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Updated: January 25, 2025

It may be that they were, intrinsically, no better men than the ones who trod the primrose path to the everlasting bonfire, but they were much easier to live with. And the man who is courteous, who is a gentleman, whatever his motives, is a more agreeable citizen than the one who is not. Now how this is our problem does one go about making a gentleman?

And I will tumble all the twelve on their noses, only by the wind of my sword." It was the Count Roland laid the twelfth wager, in the fashion following: "I will take my horn, I will go forth of the city and I will blow such a blast all the gates of the town will drop from their hinges." Olivier alone had said no word yet. He was young and courteous, and the Emperor loved him dearly.

When we were thus got to sea, we kept on NE., as if we would go to the Manillas or the Philippine Islands; and this we did that we might not fall into the way of any of the European ships; and then we steered north, till we came to the latitude of 22 degrees 30 seconds, by which means we made the island of Formosa directly, where we came to an anchor, in order to get water and fresh provisions, which the people there, who are very courteous in their manners, supplied us with willingly, and dealt very fairly and punctually with us in all their agreements and bargains.

Clara saw Paul's manner of bowing and shaking hands. "Oh, indeed!" exclaimed Morel. "I am very glad to see you I am, I assure you. But don't disturb yourself. No, no make yourself quite comfortable, and be very welcome." Clara was astonished at this flood of hospitality from the old collier. He was so courteous, so gallant! She thought him most delightful. "And may you have come far?" he asked.

The other boarders a dozen in all, perhaps did not interest him at first, and for a time he took his meals in silence, except for courteous "good-mornings" and "good-evenings." His table companions were mainly young clerks of various grades, with whose ideas and aspirations young Duncan was very slightly in sympathy.

The attitude which permits of such an accusation is hardly courteous, but, stripped of its verbiage, that is the accusation as it is made. Now, as there are usually at least some smouldering embers of fire where there is smoke, there is just one small item of truth behind all this pother.

Abbot unfastened the chain, threw wide the door, and invited the unknown to come in out of the storm. "Thanks," was the courteous response; "but I will not trespass upon your hospitality if you will kindly direct me to the inn of which you speak. The darkness came on so suddenly that I lost my way.

The former, as we approached, bowed slightly and sullenly while the latter, evidently in high good humour, made his most courteous obeisance. No time was to be lost; and the two seconds immediately withdrew to a slight distance, for the purpose of completing the last minute arrangements.

A crowd of children were pushing up, but Zene, more energetic than courteous pushed his charges ahead so that they gained chairs before the landlord's son could make his choice. He sat down directly behind Robert and aunt Corinne, and at once began to annoy them with impertinent remarks.

We had reached the lodge by this time, and I was shown a tidy little room leading out of the one Ralph was occupying, in which I assured Sir George that Carr would be perfectly comfortable, much to the courteous old gentleman's relief, though I could see that he was evidently annoyed at not being able to put him up in the house. In the afternoon, towards five o'clock, Carr arrived.

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