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For the present Cowperwood was satisfied to do business under the firm name of Peter Laughlin & Co. as a matter of fact, he preferred it; for he could thus keep himself sufficiently inconspicuous to avoid undue attention, and gradually work out one or two coups by which he hoped to firmly fix himself in the financial future of Chicago.

Albert Glatigny cried out to this frightened Viscount, "Hulloa there! Do you think that coups d'état are extinguished in the way Gulliver put out the fire?" Oh, Laughter, how gloomy you are when attended with Tragedy! The Orleanists were quieter, and maintained a more becoming attitude. This arose from the fact that they ran greater danger.

She had won four maximums en plein within the last half-hour, and the crowd around the table noting her good fortune were now following her. It was easy for any novice in the Rooms to see that the handsome, dark-eyed woman was a practised player. Time after time she let the coups pass. The croupiers' invitation to play did not interest her.

'I wonder what people dare to say it! cried Albinia wrathfully; but he did not heed, he was picturing his own future misfortunes toil climate fevers choleras Thugs coups de soleil genuine dread and repugnance working him up to positive agony. 'Gilbert, said Albinia, 'this is trumpery self-torture! You know this is a mere farrago that you have conjured up.

They understood all of the coups and end plays complete with classic examples. But having all of the theory engraved on their brains did not temporarily imprint the location of every card already played, whereas Tim and Janet counted their played cards automatically and made up in play what they missed in stratagem.

Without exchanging a bow or a hand-shake with any one, he descended to the pavement and walked to the boulevard, where he opened the door of a coups whose interior showed a complete ambulant library a writing table with paper, ink, and lamp, pockets full of books and pamphlets. Just as he was about to enter, a voice stopped him.

He was absorbed in the situation. His letters show that however he may have shrunk from concerning himself with practical politics, he viewed the great coups of statecraft with the greatest interest. His sympathies are with Bonaparte; the English were perhaps too recent enemies to be treated quite charitably. "I have made a short visit to London," he wrote to one of his brothers in July.

He is greatly concerned in his last days to raise up young men who shall know the rights and opportunities of his people and who shall thus have influence at Washington, which he has many times visited and where he is always welcome. The smile of Chief Plenty Coups is worth crossing many miles of prairie to see.

I can only admit that I had now become an adventurer like the others, for in each case I had received a certain portion of the profits of the coups which we had assisted each other in effecting. True, we lived a life full of excitement and change, but it was a life I liked, for at heart I was nothing if not a wanderer and adventurer.

Philip believed himself a great financier, but was not in truth either very shrewd or very daring, and his various coups or losses generally left his exchequer at the end of the year pretty much what it had been the year before.