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We have swords at our hurdies, and here is the King's Park at hand. Will ye walk first, or let me show ye the way?" I returned his bow, told him to go first, and followed him. As he went I heard him grumble to himself about Cot's English and the King's coat, so that I might have supposed him to be seriously offended. But his manner at the beginning of our interview was there to belie him.

Wilfrid, the potter, stood with his wife and children, looking at what was left of a little old cottage. Fire had left it a heap of ashes and half- burned timbers and rubbish. The red roof-tiles glowed like embers of dead centuries. "I'd never ha' turned the old man out," he said pensively, "but now he's gone and the cot's gone too, we'll see what's under this end of Cold Harbor."

We have swords at our hurdles, and here is the King's Park at hand. Will ye walk first, or let me show ye the way?" I returned his bow, told him to go first, and followed him. As he went I heard him grumble to himself about COT'S ENGLISH and the KING'S COAT, so that I might have supposed him to be seriously offended. But his manner at the beginning of our interview was there to belie him.

"You tam lowland scoon'rel!" cries he, and hit me a buffet on the jaw with his closed fist. I paid him as good or better on the return; whereupon he stepped a little back and took off his hat to me decorously. "Enough plows I think," says he. "I will be the offended shentleman, for who effer heard of such suffeeciency as tell a shentlemans that is the king's officer he cannae speak Cot's English?

To him the answer seemed so long coming that he began to repeat; then Aline said "No, dear, he shan't leave you." The sisters had telephoned their own physician from the apothecary's shop, and soon, with Cupid on his cot, pushed close to a cool window looking into the rear garden, and the garden lighted by an unseen moon, Mrs. Chester, at the cot's side awaited the doctor's arrival.

We have swords at our hurdies, and here is the King's Park at hand. Will ye walk first, or let me show ye the way?" I returned his bow, told him to go first, and followed him. As he went I heard him grumble to himself about Cot's English and the King's coat, so that I might have supposed him to be seriously offended. But his manner at the beginning of our interview was there to belie him.

My mate and I, as we adjusted our stretcher at a cot's side, and braced ourselves against the weight of the patient, winked covertly at one another. "A nasty one for the Bluebottles!" he said. And it was. All the same I seize this opportunity of offering my homage to the Bluebottles. They have done are still doing their bit, and that right nobly.

Many of the pictures were unframed copies cut apparently from art and other journals; from theatrical and comic papers. George gazed on them awhile in utterly bewildered astonishment; then, with a little hopeless ejaculation, swung around to the sergeant who met his despairing grin with benign composure. "Whose cot's " "'Tis Yorke's," said Slavin simply.

"Cot's mercy! can you'll not spoke English, either?" shouted Donald, despairingly, on his second rebuff, and at the same time striking the table impatiently with his clenched fist. "Can you'll spoke Gaelic, then?" he added; and, without waiting for a reply, he repeated his demand in that language. The experiment was unsuccessful. Mine host of the Golden Eagle understood neither Gaelic nor English.

That hoss blanket on the cot's brand new; towel's in the hall and you'll find a comb somewheres round. Just you turn in if you feel like it, and when you hear Wall-Eye Denton and Pete Pearsall trying to massacre each other in the next room it's time to git up." Pubby said he would retire at once, and we left him looking scared but relieved.