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The clock struck four; M. Verduret, who was punctuality itself, appeared. He was more red-faced and self-satisfied, if possible, than the day before. As soon as the servant had left the room to obey his orders, he said to Prosper: "Well, are our commissions executed?" "Yes, monsieur." "Have you seen the costumer?"

And if she became a professional stage costumer, this rather loose, ramshackle, down-at-the-heel morality of back-stage musical comedy would be a permanent fact in her life, just as the dustiness of law-books and the stuffiness of court rooms were permanent facts in Rodney's. As the work went on, her confidence in the success of this initiatory venture became less ecstatic and more reasonable.

"I sometimes think it that the personal art is at an end and that henceforth we shall have only the arts, capable no doubt of immense development in their way indeed they've already reached it of the stage-carpenter and the costumer. In London the drama is already smothered in scenery; the interpretation scrambles off as it can.

She showed no interest and, after a critical pause, he continued: "They robbed the booth of some costumer whom the Sadducees had made rich and captured a maid whom they held until she had taught them how to use henna and kohl. So I had a garrison of swearing girls until they wearied of the fatigue of stepping mincingly and untangling their garments.

"How did the Costumer look?" he asked respectfully; he thought Violetta the most beautiful lady on earth. Then Violetta described the Costumer, and told him of the unavailing attempts that had been made to find him. There were a great many detectives out, constantly at work. "I know where he is!" said the Cherry-man. "He's up in one of my cherry-trees.

Then she tied it in several very hard knots, and threw it, at a convenient moment, over the edge of the cliff along which the road ran. In his room, Terence was giving some directions to his man, Brooks. "Have this stuff done up in a parcel," he said, "and ship it to the address on that card." The card was that of a New York costumer.

But the placards and the notices had not been out a week before a new Costumer appeared, who cast all the others into the shade directly. He set up his shop on the corner of one of the principal streets, and hung up his beautiful costumes in the windows. He was a little fellow, not much larger than a boy of ten. His cheeks were as red as roses, and he had on a long curling wig as white as snow.

There was no reason why it should be deferred; we had all agreed that they were better married at once; so, that decided, the women sent us about our own affairs, and spent the intervening fortnight in a riot of visits to the costumer: for, in Paris, even for a very quiet wedding, a bride must have her trousseau.

I went to a skillful costumer, and provided myself with a complete disguise, then hired a room in the same house, although I took care to keep out of the sight of Walter Dinsmore and his wife. One day he went out of the city on a hunting excursion, and met with an accident he fell and sprained his ankle, and lay in the forest for hours in great pain.

Oh, the costumer knew his business and those dainty high-heeled French slippers seemed at least five sizes smaller than they really were as they tripped so lightly through the mazes of the ballet. But alack! the illusion was just a TRIFLE dispelled when the ballet-girls broke into a rollicking chorus, for some of those voices boomed across the auditorium with an undoubtable masculine power.