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It was thus that he had looked upon the blooded horses in the river-fields and the belted cattle in the meadows. It was thus that his grave eyes passed beyond the gardens and moved from corner to corner of the house, from sill to cornice, relating the porticos and interminable row of French windows to dollars and cents.

Prosper picked up his trowel and went into the tower. Raoul bad-worded him and every stone of his building from foundation to cornice, and then went down the road to get a bottle of cognac. An hour later he came back breathing out threatenings and slaughter, strongly flavoured with raw spirits. Prosper was working quietly on the top of the tower, at the side away from the road.

"Because, for instance," said Malicorne, "a ladder nineteen feet high is just the height of the cornice of those windows." Manicamp, instead of answering, was dreaming of something else. "Ask me, can't you, what windows I mean," whispered Malicorne. "But what windows are you referring to?" said Manicamp, aloud. "The windows of Madame's apartments." "Eh!" "Oh!

Having thus glanced to right and left, to the ceiling and the floor, we now look at the end of the hall facing us. The middle section of this is open, and is framed by a couple of high pillars or pilasters and a cornice, which together formed perhaps the most distinguishing feature of this part of the house.

Why should we, in designing a capital or cornice, still cling to the classic acanthus or honeysuckle ornament, or even the English ivy, when we have such a fund of our own? The maize and the sugarcane, the potato blossom and the cotton boll afford so many mines of treasure, that it is surprising that they have not already been worked.

Fruits and grains on either side. "Abundance," statue repeated four times over each gateway, by August Jaegers. Vases repeated twenty-four times on balustrade around court; simple design, in harmony with classic plan of court. Wreaths above cornice around court, harvest motive, wheat and grape. By August Jaegers. Harvest motive.

While I was standing on the chair I could see on the top of the cupboard, where something white struck my attention. It was behind the cornice of the cupboard, but I could see it. I took it off the top of the cupboard and carefully scrutinized it by the gas, which, as you know, is at the corner of the fireplace, close to the cupboard.

Ever moving his thin legs he reached the cornice, then higher and higher still he rose, above the pictures and the looking-glasses, until he was lost to sight in the twilight shadows that lay near the ceiling. And for two or three years after this event the faces of those visions haunted me.

You are most healthily situated here," he added, looking up at the cornice. "Yes; I am lodged like a canon," replied Birotteau. "And I like a vicar," said the other, humbly. "But you will soon be settled in the archbishop's palace," said the kindly vicar, who wanted everybody to be happy. "Yes, or in the cemetery, but God's will be done!" and Troubert raised his eyes to heaven resignedly.

We next saw the temples. Of the temples of Aesculapius little remains but an altar of black stone, adorned with a cornice imitating the scales of a serpent. His statue, in terra-cotta, was found in the cell. The temple of Isis is more perfect.