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'Ah, I don't mean in the way of eating and drinking, but in the way of encouragement in the way of a present, you know? adding 'What did my lord do? seeing Jack was slow at comprehension. 'Oh, my lord bad-worded him well, replied Jack, adding, 'he didn't get much encouragement from him.

Prosper picked up his trowel and went into the tower. Raoul bad-worded him and every stone of his building from foundation to cornice, and then went down the road to get a bottle of cognac. An hour later he came back breathing out threatenings and slaughter, strongly flavoured with raw spirits. Prosper was working quietly on the top of the tower, at the side away from the road.

He accepted my hasty apologies with an abstracted smile and a half salute, and passed on. That in itself was sufficiently unusual. An ordinary Russian officer, even one of high rank, as this man's uniform showed him to be, would certainly have bad-worded me for my clumsiness, and probably have chosen to regard it as a deliberate insult.

'I go to drink water. Keep my place. He blundered out almost into the Englishman's arms, and was bad-worded in clumsy Urdu. 'Tum mut? You drunk? You mustn't bang about as though Delhi station belonged to you, my friend. E23, not moving a muscle of his countenance, answered with a stream of the filthiest abuse, at which Kim naturally rejoiced.