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The daily more numerous applications of the laws of corresponding states have rendered highly important the determination of the critical constants which permit these states to be defined.

He'll go on Marilyn Winter's show, I'll bet, because that has the biggest audience on the planet. He'll lecture Little Aphrodite Herself on the constants of space and she'll flutter her eyelashes at him and shove her chest-measurements in his direction and breathe how wonderful it is to be a man of science!" "How'd you know?" demanded Babs, surprised. Cochrane winced.

In 1843 Wheatstone communicated an important paper to the Royal Society, entitled 'An Account of Several New Processes for Determining the Constants of a Voltaic Circuit. It contained an exposition of the well-known balance for measuring the electrical resistance of a conductor, which still goes by the name of Wheatstone's Bridge or balance, although it was first devised by Mr.

He discovered the effect of refraction, though only approximately its amount, and determined improved values of many other astronomical constants, but singularly enough made no determination of the distance of the sun, adopting instead the ancient and erroneous value given by Hipparchus.

Gallants; beaus. So termed, of course, from their feathered hats. cf. Dryden's An Evening's Love , Act i, I, where Jacinta, referring to the two gallants, says: 'I guess 'em to be Feathers of the English Ambassador's train. cf. Pope's Sir Plume in The Rape of the Lock. Plumet more often = un jeune militaire. cf. Que les plumets seraient aimables Si leurs feux etaient plus constants!

On the one hand, we have mechanism, repetition, inertia, constants, and invariants: the play of the material world, from the point of view of quantity, offers us the aspect of an immense transformation without gain or loss, a homogeneous transformation tending to maintain in itself an exact equivalence between the departure and arrival point.

At a “certain period in the evolution of the earththis force arose, as the ordinary mechanical movementsswung overinto the vital. But it is thus a special form of movement, which detaches itself from the great constants of general movement, and runs its course alongside of, and in constant relation to, these.

Much good work it is true was done on details, but no broad outlook had been obtained to enable us to determine their relation to the fundamental constants of the subject. No standpoint had been found from which we could readily detach such constants from what was merely accidental.

At the supper table Wade and Arcot reported to the others the curious constants they had discovered for coronium. It was not attacked by any acid except boiling selenic acid, since it formed a tremendous number of insoluble salts. Even the nitrate violated the long-held rule that "all nitrates are soluble" it wouldn't dissolve. Yet it was chemically more active than gold.

Their dielectric constants assume relatively high values. MM. Curie and Compan, who have studied this question from their own point of view, have noted, moreover, that the specific inductive capacity changes considerably with the temperature. In the same way, magnetic properties have been studied.