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"But I suppose you are accustomed to it," she added, with a general idea that the thermometer always stands at 90 deg. in all parts of the late slave states. "Washington weather generally cannot be very congenial to you?" "It's congenial," said Washington brightening up, "when it's not congealed." "That's very good. Did you hear, Grace, Mr. Hawkins says it's congenial when it's not congealed."

But at dinner he found, with a shudder, that he was expected to swallow a thick ragged section of boiled mutton which had been carved and helped so long before he sat down to it, that the stagnant gravy was chilled and congealed into patches of greasy white.

Now and then a seal came to the surface, and turning an abrupt somersault, darted off beneath the barely-disturbed surface. And the captain, a taciturn man with a surly, sunburned face, smoked a short pipe and spat angrily into the sea, congealed in impassivity. To all my questions he replied with an abrupt growl.

Secretive the poor bruised soul who had gone to her grave with a broken heart! "She secretive? No, Eglington," she rejoined gravely, "she was congealed. She lived in too cold an air. She was not secretive, but yet she kept a secret another's." Again Eglington had the feeling which possessed him when he entered the room. She had changed.

Stuffed cucumbers, figs, olives, pomegranates, and what, for want of a better name, I call "congealed grape-juice," all these were placed before me when in the early evening they aided my guide in serving supper. We spent little over four hours in the saddle to-day, so I am not wearied, and I can give interested attention to the surroundings. And there is much to interest me here.

Not even Violet could have clapped the lid on the up-welling fount of sentiment in Aunt Jane's heart. Only the cold condemning eye of H. H. himself had congealed that tepid flood. The morning wore on with ever-increasing heat, and as nothing happened I began to find my watchful waiting dull.

The blood which congealed in his veins was released; he reared and wheeled and burst away at full gallop; there was a sobbing whine of eagerness behind him the lobo was stretched in pursuit. Never in his life had the chestnut run as he ran now, and never had he fled so hopelessly. He knew that one slash of those great white teeth would cut his throat to the vital arteries.

At this Matilda grew angry: "Edward is neither impudent nor a liar, Sir Uncle, and I will listen to the end of the song." "Come away," said Mercurius; "he hath yet got wield, field, sealed, congealed, and a dozen other rhymes beside; and after the song will come the supper." So the poor soul was obliged to go; while the lady listened, and the page sung away till morning.

When I wanted to ascend this path, he became blind and lame and refused to follow, escaping and evading me by all kinds of winding rhetorical paths, with a perfectly innocent expression of ignorance upon his pale, calm and self-satisfied countenance. It was as though his eyes congealed of my burning desires they knew nothing.

Two years were devoted to immense preparations for the new invasion of Russia. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Dmitri was informed that the Tartars were approaching in strength unprecedented. Russia was unprepared for the attack, and terror congealed all hearts. The invaders, crossing the Volga and the Oka, pressed rapidly towards Moscow.