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The girl's face frightened Mrs. Colfax into submission, and she let herself be led back into the carriage beside the trunk. Those words of Mrs. Colfax's stung Stephen to righteous anger and resentment for Virginia. As to himself, he had looked for insult. He turned to go that he might not look upon her confusion; and hanging on the resolution, swung on his heel again, his eyes blazeing.

And as I sat and smoked the pipe of peace, I reflected upon how much better they do these things in Italy for to all intents and Purposes, I was in Italy. Colfax before the advent of the C. P. R. R. called "Illinois Town" is an odd blending of past and present; the solid structures of the mining days contrasting strangely with the flimsy wooden buildings that seem to mark a railroad town.

Miss Benedet looked at the clock, lifting her eyebrows wearily. "I have lost my train," she remarked, but added no reproaches. "Is there an evening train to the city?" "Not from here," Mrs. Thorne replied; "but we could send you over to Colfax to catch the night train from there. I hoped we could have you another day."

He was surprised at times to see how badly the manufacturing arrangements could go awry, affecting his dates of issue, but White invariably had a good excuse. Colfax took him to his house in the country, his lodge in the mountains, on short yachting and fishing trips, for he liked to talk to him, but he rarely if ever invited Angela.

Colonel Clark gave him some, and Tom, his tongue loosed by the toddy, others. And the Colonel added to the debt I owed him by suggesting that Major Colfax take me to Virginia and recommend me to a lawyer there. "Nay," cried the Major, "I will do more. I like the lad, for he is modest despite the way you have paraded him.

"General, could you hold Colonel Colfax until I see you again?" It was a bold thing to say, and I quaked. And he looked at me in his keen way, through and through "You saved his life once before, didn't you?" "You allowed me to have him sent home from Vicksburg, sir." He answered with one of his jokes apropos of something he said on the Court House steps at Vicksburg.

From that moment our journey was to me a dream of horror, a series of frantic plans for escape. "All fugitives on the coast must put to sea. The Oakland ferry would have answered my purpose. I would never have been seen with him in the city alive. "But at Colfax we met your husband. He knows you know the rest."

In christening Auburn, it is scarcely credible that the pioneers had in mind Goldsmith's "loveliest village of the Plain;" nor, keeping the old town in view, is the title remarkably applicable today. Our next objective point being Colfax, distant in a north-easterly direction only fifteen miles, we made a leisurely inspection of the town and vicinity in the morning.

It mattered little to him that Mrs. Colfax ignored him as completely as if his chair had been vacant He glanced at that lady once, and smiled, for he was tasting the sweets of victory. It was Virginia who entertained him, and even the Colonel never guessed what it cost her. Eliphalet himself marvelled at her change of manner, and gloated over that likewise.

"You tell me you didn't try to hang Mr. Potts!" cried Major Colfax. "I tell you nothin'," said Tom, and his jaw was set more stubbornly than ever. Major Colfax glanced at Colonel Clark. "You see!" he said a little triumphantly. I could hold my tongue no longer. "Major Colfax is unjust, sir," I cried. "'Twas Tom saved the man from hanging." "Eh?" says Colonel Clark, turning to me sharply.