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Secondly: It is well known in the Sperm Whale Fishery, however ignorant the world ashore may be of it, that there have been several memorable historical instances where a particular whale in the ocean has been at distant times and places popularly cognisable.

They are all things cognisable to you. Where else, but everywhere, would you see Him whom no man hath seen, or can see? 'When He shows Himself to me in them, then I may see Him. But now 'You have seen Him; and because you do not know the name of what you see or rather will not acknowledge it you fancy that it is not there. 'How in His name? What have I seen? 'Ask yourself. 'I have.

A. "That Protagoras was not speaking about bridges, or any other merely physical things, on which no difference of opinion need occur, because every one can satisfy himself by simply using his senses; but concerning moral and intellectual matters, which are not cognisable by the senses, and therefore permit, without blame, a greater diversity of opinion.

We kept the plunder converted it into food joined our party soon after, and supposed the affair was over; but the friar had followed us at a distance, and we perceived him coming up the hill where we were stationed. To avoid discovery we exchanged clothes, in such a manner as to render us no longer cognisable.

But whereas the minor premiss of every practical syllogism is an opinion on matter cognisable by Sense and determines the actions; he who is under the influence of passion either has not this, or so has it that his having does not amount to knowing but merely saying, as a man when drunk might repeat Empedocles' verses; and because the minor term is neither universal, nor is thought to have the power of producing Knowledge in like manner as the universal term: and so the result which Socrates was seeking comes out, that is to say, the affection does not take place in the presence of that which is thought to be specially and properly Knowledge, nor is this dragged about by reason of the affection, but in the presence of that Knowledge which is conveyed by Sense.

The clue to the mystery involved, he goes on to say, 'lies in the fact, directly cognisable by occult experts, that matter exists in other states than those which are cognisable by the five senses; but it does not become only cognisable subjectively on that account.

That significant something by which the work of such a man differs from that of his predecessors, goes on disengaging itself and becoming more and more articulate and cognisable. The same principle of growth that carried his first book beyond the books of previous writers, carries his last book beyond his first.

Now obligations of virtue shown, and motives to the practice of it enforced, from a review of the nature of man, are to be considered as an appeal to each particular person's heart and natural conscience: as the external senses are appealed to for the proof of things cognisable by them.

As a married woman, I was unable to give recognizances, being only a chattel, not a person cognisable by law; the Court mercifully ignored this or I should have had to go to prison and accepted Mr. Bradlaugh's sole recognizance as covering us both.

Nay, its presence in our Experience, however mutable and unstable it may be, is the only sure test and guarantee of Reality. Each of the two leading theories which have dominated speculation presents one partial aspect of the truth. The eternal cognisable element of Reality is apprehended, as the Platonist holds, by the intellect and by the intellect alone. To that extent the Platonist is right.