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I have not passed over to the other side yet, and while I stay I am not going to be treated as if I were a disembodied spirit. I have eyes of my own, and ears too, and I can see as well as the next man when things go wrong. I have always known that no good would come of sending Peggy to a coeducational college.

The women do more work in a more natural way, with better perspective and with saner incentives than when isolated from the influence of the society of men. There is less silliness and folly where a man is not a novelty. In coeducational institutions of high standards, frivolous conduct or scandals of any form are rarely known.

Another point in which we must somewhat modify any European model is in the limited training provided for girls. A country which is frankly coeducational in its public schools, state universities and professional colleges, must continue to be so when installing a new educational department to meet the changed and changing conditions of our time.

From the collegiate point of view, this feminine faculty is a very well mixed body, for it includes representative graduates from the other women's colleges, and from the more important coeducational colleges and state universities, as well as men from Harvard and Brown.

Biological studies of human reproduction should not be coeducational in high schools or the early years of college.

In fact, both of my textbooks, the "Applied Biology" and the "Introduction to Biology," which emphasize reproduction of organisms more than other high-school books, have been used throughout in coeducational classes. However, these books stop where the problems of human life begin and should be supplemented by lessons for sex-limited classes.

Peggy had been sent away to one of those curious institutions that they call a "coeducational college," chiefly because Maria had said that she ought to understand the duties of modern womanhood; she had gone, without the slightest craving for "the higher education," but naturally with the idea of having a "good time"; and apparently she had it, for she came home engaged to a handsome, amatory boy, one of her fellow "students," named Goward.

Marriages between those who have gone to coeducational colleges appear to have a still higher chance of success. This is probably the result of close association between the sexes in such institutions. But the use of one's mind is what is important; marriage can be fully as successful for those who are not college-trained.

She is doing what has come to be regarded as a matter of course. Nevertheless, to-day as then, in the coeducational institution she is more consciously on her mettle than the man. Her attention, interest, respectfulness, docility, will be ahead of his. It will at once be apparent that she carries the larger stock of untaught knowledge. In the classroom she will usually outstep him in mathematics.

"I lost the address. Couldn't even say that it was a hotel. I believe it was a club. He seems to be a sort of a swell for a coeducational professor anyhow, I lost the address; and that is the long and short of it." "If it had been a studio or a Bohemian cafe " I began. "I should undoubtedly have remembered it," admitted Charles Edward, in his languid way. "You have lost him," I replied, frostily.