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Well, two days after this dainty stranger with his coach-and-four came to the village, a little wretched beggar-boy, leading by a dirty string a forlorn muddy little dog, appeared on the street. He went to the tavern first, but the host pushed him out of the door, throwing a pewter porringer after him, which hit the poor little dog and made it yelp.

Indeed, it was only Fareham's character austere as Clarendon's or Southampton's which kept the finest of all company at a distance. Lady Castlemaine had called at Chilton in her coach-and-four early in July; and her visit had not been returned a slight which the proud beauty bitterly resented: and from that time she had lost no opportunity of depreciating Lady Fareham.

"Faith, I've known a man drink his clar't, and drive his coach-and-four on five hundred a year and strict aconomy, in Ireland, sir. We'll manage on it, sir trust Jack Costigan for that." "My dear Captain Costigan I give you my word that my brother did not leave a shilling to his son Arthur." "Are ye joking with me, Meejor Pendennis?" cried Jack Costigan.

"You will come in and see us as often as you can while you are here?" said the kindly rector, as if vaguely conscious of a change in this visitor. "You will always find a welcome whether you come in a coach-and-four or on foot you know that." "Thank you yes. I know that." The rector peered at him through his spectacles. "I hope," he said, "that you will soon be successful in getting your own.

Who is this finely dressed traveler alighting from his coach-and-four, attended by servants in livery? Do you know that sounding name, written in big valorous letters on the Declaration of Independence written as if by the hand of a giant? Can you not see it now? JOHN HANCOCK. This is he.

The Madonna arrived in a gilt coach-and-four, a good deal the worse for wear, with a coachman and two shaggy-headed footmen, all bareheaded. The priests carried the Madonna up to the temporary altar, and the landlord advanced to pay his devotions.

They were so polite to me; and one old woman insisted upon telling me my fortune, and when I offered her a sixpence she wouldn't have it." "And I suppose she told you some rubbish," said Herbert; "sent you riding off in a coach-and-four with your pockets full of money and your barrels full of beer?" "I beg your pardon, sir," said Charlie, "she wasn't half so kind.

They always came there, though not the nearest church, because they could not please themselves in seats in any other church in the town, and regularly came in their coach-and-four, and a grand footman went before them to open the door.

Nor are all the palaces ranged upon dusky alleys; the handsomest and most impressive form a splendid series on each side of a couple of very proper streets, in which there is plenty of room for a coach-and-four to approach the big doorways.

She came home in a coach-and-four nearly two hours ago, with Monsieur de Malfort; and I think they must have quarrelled. They bade each other good night so uncivilly; but he was more huffed than mother." "Where were you that you know so much?" "In the gallery. Did I not tell you I shouldn't be able to sleep?