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But a much older man than Clarence might have well been at a loss to know what conduct to adopt in the situation in which our hero was placed. He himself was utterly unarmed, but the stock-jobber had a pair of horse-pistols, and as this recollection flashed upon him, the pause of deliberation ceased.

At this moment Clarence, possibly through some confusion of color, fragrance, or softness of contact, seemed to have availed himself of the opportunity, in a way which caused Susy to instantly rejoin Mary Rogers with affected dignity, leaving him to follow a few moments later with the captured flower.

Howbeit, the lady suddenly whisked her away to the recesses of her own wagon, to reappear later, washed, curled, and beribboned like a new doll, and Clarence was left alone with the husband and another of the party. "Well, my boy, you haven't told me your name yet." "Clarence, sir." "So Susy calls you, but what else?" "Clarence Brant."

"Don't cry, my darling," said he, as she gave rent to a fresh outburst of tears. "Oh, Mr. Walters!" said she, still sobbing, "she was all the mother I had." Mr. Balch here endeavoured to assist in pacifying the two little mourners. "Why don't father come?" asked Clarence. "Have you seen him, Mr. Walters?" Mr.

"The young dandy is his nephew, Clarence Colfax. He callates to own this town." Eliphalet was speaking leisurely, as usual, while preparing to move. "That's Virginia Carvel, in red. Any gals down Boston-way to beat her? Guess you won't find many as proud." He departed. And Stephen glanced absently at the group. They were picking their way over the muddy crossing toward him.

"Kill him!" cried Clarence, wildly, "whom?" and then sinking into a chair, he covered his face with his hands for a few moments, and seemed to struggle with his emotions. "Well," thought the duke, "I never was more mistaken in my life.

You are going to a delightful place, where you will find a number of agreeable playmates, and have a deal of fun, and enjoy yourself amazingly." "But it won't be home," replied Clarence. "True," replied Mr. Balch, a little touched, "it won't seem so at first; but you'll soon like it, I'll guarantee that." Clarence was not permitted to indulge his grief to any great extent, for Mr.

"Never, dear Madge, never! it is yours all yours!" She looks up in your face; she sees your look of triumph; she catches sight of Frank bursting in at the old hall-door all radiant with joy. "Frank! Clarence!" the tears forbid any more. "God bless you, Madge! God bless you!"

And when she ran eagerly forward, and with a fascinating smile lifted the astonished Susy in her arms, Clarence, in his delight for his young charge, quite forgot that she had not noticed him.

With no helping recollection, with no means of comparison beyond a vague idea that his cousin might look like himself, Clarence stood hopelessly before him.