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Their task was to recognize again, through their own faculties, what man had been able to perceive through ancient clairvoyance, and through the methods of ascent into higher worlds taught in the old Initiations; and in addition to this, to acquire the knowledge of the real nature of the Christ-event.

Running his eye quickly down the record, he picked out a work on clairvoyance and asked to see the young woman who had made the sale. The clerk was, however, unable to recall to whom she had sold the book, though she finally admitted that she thought it might have been a young woman who had some difficulty in making up her mind just which one of the numerous volumes she wanted.

Classification According to General Distinctions. The classification of Clairvoyant Phenomena according to general distinctions, proceeds as follows: PRESENT CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the objects perceived by the clairvoyant are present in Space and Time, although invisible to normal sight; SPACE CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant vision includes objects and scenes removed in space from the immediate normal perception of the clairvoyant; TIME CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant perceives objects or scenes removed from him in past time, or future time.

Explain it as you will, the facts remain. The writings of the early mesmerists are filled with records of cases of this rapport, in which "community of sensation" was present, and various supernormal phenomena, such as clairvoyance, etc., were manifested.

That blessed clairvoyance which sees into things without opening them, that glorious license, which, having shut the door and driven the reporter from its key-hole, calls upon Truth, majestic virgin! to get off from her pedestal and drop her academic poses, and take a festive garland and the vacant place on the medius lectus, that carnival-shower of questions and replies and comments, large axioms bowled over the mahogany like bomb-shells from professional mortars, and explosive wit dropping its trains of many-colored fire, and the mischief-making rain of bon-bons pelting everybody that shows himself, the picture of a truly intellectual banquet is one that the old Divinities might well have attempted to reproduce in their

Direct Clairvoyance. The third of the three general classes of the methods employed to obtain the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena is that known as Direct Clairvoyance.

In the phenomena of clairvoyance I saw only other and more subtile manifestations of the power which I knew to exist in my own mind. Hence, I soon grew weary of prosecuting inquiries which, at best, would fall short of solving my own great and painful doubt, Does the human soul continue to exist after death?

The important fact is that Future Time Clairvoyance is a reality that it is a matter of actual experience of the race, and one that has been authenticated by the investigations of such learned bodies as the Society for Psychical Research, of England, and other societies of the same kind in different lands.

In the momentary clairvoyance of enthusiasm they caught a glimpse of the truth, and by one of the strange reactions of human passion they only waited for a word of appeal or explanation from her lips to throw themselves at her feet. Had she simply told her story they would have believed her; had she cried, fainted, or gone into hysterics, they would have pitied her. She did neither.

A clairvoyance, deeper than knowledge, came to Virginia while she looked at her. "You darling!" she exclaimed. "I never suspected!" "There's nothing to suspect, Jinny. I was only joking." "Why, it never crossed my mind that you would think of him for a minute." "He hasn't thought of me for a minute yet." "The idea! He'd be wild about you in ten seconds if he ever thought "