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Wa'al, I hadn't no more idee o' goin' to that cirkis 'n I had o' flyin' to the moon, but the night before the show somethin' waked me 'bout twelve o'clock. I don't know how 't was.

Next best to seeing the cirkis is hearing what that man said about the little black babies in Africa, that's where the cirkis animals come from, too, and I couldn't help wondering how I'd feel s'posing I had to live there and be black and eat such horrible things and be boiled in a kettle to take the dirt off, and buy my wife for a junk of cloth and wear strings of beads for clo'es.

That's a trust, Sandy, an' I don't say but what the feller as tho't o' that name must o' bin a tarnation amusin' feller." "Say, you orter bin in a cirkis," sneered Sandy, as the loafer finished his disquisition. "Wal, I'd say that's better'n a museum," retorted Sunny. But Toby was impatient to hear how Sunny intended to dispose of him. "Wher' do I figger in this lay-out?" he demanded. "You?"

"Wonder ef Guv'nment pays for them frocks the Kernel's girls went cavortin' round Logport in last Sunday they looked like a cirkis." "Like ez not the old Kernel gets it outer contracts one way or another. WE pay for it all the same," he added gloomily. "Jest the same ez if they were MY clothes," said the girl, with a quick, fiery, little laugh, "ain't it?

"Wa'al," said David, resuming, "he says to me, 'Would you like to go to the cirkis? an' with that it occurred to me that I did want to go to that cirkis more'n anythin' I ever wanted to before nor since, it seems to me. But I tell ye the truth, I was so far f'm expectin' to go't I really hadn't knowed I wanted to.

But do you s'pose she will let us have the organ? Do you s'pose she'll even let us have the barn? It is in an awful clutter, and I don't see where we could put the people who come." "I was wondering about that myself, but it won't do any harm to ask. There is Hec. We can find out from him right away if he will be one of our show." "Shall you tell him about the cirkis?" "No, not a word.

"Oh, look, Allee! See the elephants and lions and giraffes and zebras on that poster. It's the cirkis as sure as I'm alive! Do you know I've always wanted to see the cirkis, and this is the first time I ever knew one to stop at Parker." "How do you know it will stop here?" asked skeptical Allee, who was just beginning to read, and found the long words on the billboard too much for her to master.

Part o' that cap'tal," he resumed, "consistin' of a quarter an' some odd cents, was invested in the cirkis bus'nis, an' the rest on't the cap'tal, an' all the cash cap'tal that I started in bus'nis with was the ten cents your husband give me that day, an' here," said David, striking the papers in his left hand with the back of his right, "here is the dividends!

The' was a cirkis billed to show down here in Homeville, an' ev'ry barn an' shed fer miles around had pictures stuck onto 'em of el'phants, an' rhinoceroses, an' ev'ry animul that went into the ark; an' girls ridin' bareback an' jumpin' through hoops, an' fellers ridin' bareback an' turnin' summersets, an' doin' turnovers on swings; an' clowns gettin' hoss-whipped, an' ev'ry kind of a thing that could be pictered out; an' how the' was to be a grand percession at ten o'clock, 'ith golden chariots, an' scripteral allegories, an' the hull bus'nis; an' the gran' performance at two o'clock; admission twenty-five cents, children under twelve, at cetery, an' so forth.

"'What you ben up to down there? he says. "'Went to the cirkis, I says, thinkin' I might 's well make a clean breast on't. "'Where 'd you git the money? he says. "'Mr. Cullom took me, I says. "'You lie, he says. 'You stole the money somewheres, an' I'll trounce it out of ye, if I kill ye, he says. "Wa'al," said David, twisting his shoulders in recollection, "I won't harrer up your feelin's.