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He became as one of the listening brethren who stood around "when Jubal struck the chorded shell" in the Song for Saint Cecilia's Day: Less than a god, they thought, there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell That spoke so sweetly and so well.

Bear-Tone, who had stood waiting somewhat apathetically, came suddenly to attention. "Sing that again, little girl," he said. Encouraged by his kind glance, Helen again sang the scale in her clear voice. A radiant look overspread Bear-Tone's big face. "Wal, wal!" he cried. "But you've a voice, little one! Sing that with me." Big voice and girl's voice blended and chorded.

Soames and I am open to bet he hasn't left London we shall find the right Mr. King." The comedian finished, and the orchestra noisily chorded him off. Soames, his forehead wet with perspiration, began to turn his head, inch by inch.

And the snarl of my anger was blended with the snarls of beasts more ancient than the mountains, and the vocal madness of my child hysteria, with all the red of its wrath, was chorded with the insensate, stupid cries of beasts pre-Adamic and progeologic in time. And there the secret is out. The red wrath! It has undone me in this, my present life.

The great forests thrilling in the soft light, the very sleepy river wakening under the mist, chorded in with a grave bass to the rising anthem of welcome to the new life which God had freshly given to the world. From the sun himself, come forth as a bridegroom from his chamber, to the flickering raindrops on the road-side mullein, the world seemed to rejoice exultant in victory.

"Have gone astray astray" Mr. Snow's booming bass came through the stove-pipe hole. The baritone arrived from the stable in time to lend his voice as they all chorded. "The stage's comin'," the musical hostler announced when the strains died away. The entranced audience dashed abruptly for the door.

He became as one of the listening brethren who stood around "when Jubal struck the chorded shell" in the Song for Saint Cecilia's Day: Less than a god, they thought, there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell That spoke so sweetly and so well.

There, too, are various kinds of wondrous birds, flying and sporting in the midst, and on the surface of the water the four kinds of flowers, bright colored, giving out their floating scent; minstrel maidens cause their songs and chorded music, to invite the prince.

Hour after hour he gazed into the smoldering embers before him, buried in deep meditation, and conjuring up fantastic figures in the glowing coals. Then he watched the few stars which were twinkling through the branches overhead, and the sighing of the solemn night-wind made music that chorded with the feelings of his soul.

The nobler nature within him stirred To life, at that woman's deed and word. Whittier. Deeper emotions than he had felt before in all his life of shallow aimlessness stirred Harry Glen's bosom as he turned away from the door which Rachel Bond closed behind her with a decisive promptness that chorded well with her resolute composure during the interview.