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The old boy seemed a bit rattled. "I have never been to Birdsburg." The chappie seemed pained. "You should pay it a visit," he said. "The most rapidly-growing city in the country. Boost for Birdsburg!" "Boost for Birdsburg!" said the other chappies reverently. The chappie who had been brooding suddenly gave tongue. "Say!"

Now, then, heave with those big shoulders of yours; tear and rip; splinter and smash; don't spare; the thing's got no friends. Use your feet, old chappie, if you want to; all's fair here. Faith, look at that worthy farmer toting up his mule-cart load of seaweed for manure!" He broke off into a roar of laughter, and hove a cushion right against the man's gaping mouth as we tore past.

We'll start by trickling up to the old boy's suite and looking over his reach-me-downs. I know the waiter on his floor. A very sound chappie. He'll let us in with his pass-key." And so it came about that Mr.

"Look here, Ann," I said, "Suppose I pull off some stunt which only a deuced brainy chappie could get away with? Would you marry me then?" "Certainly. What do you propose to do?" "Do! What do I propose to do! Well, er, to be absolutely frank, at the moment I don't quite know." "You never will know, Reggie. You're one of the idle rich, and your brain, if you ever had one, has atrophied."

I found it where Lully buried it six hundred years ago, the lid waxed over, and stamped with an alembic and the man's own family coat of arms. Gad, I wonder where that signet ring's got to now." "Never mind that trifle, old chappie. We've got enough of the gentleman's family jewellery to be able to do without a trumpery gold ring. It's the rest of the legacy that I've got my covetousness upon now.

Uncle Willoughby pottered about the room, registering baffledness, while I sat sucking at a cigarette, feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time.

It was deuced bad form going up to a perfect stranger like this and pretending you knew him. Probably the chappie thought he was some kind of a confidence johnnie or something. It was absolutely rotten! He continued to blush till one could have fancied him scarlet to the ankles. He backed away, apologising in ragged mutters.

"He-he-te-he te-he he!" giggled the young man who had before spoken, "I know a girl " "Shut up, old chappie! You 'know a bank whereon the wild thyme grows' that's what YOU know!" said Charlemont. "Come and have a look at the motor." Whereupon they rose from the table and dispersed. From that day, however, a certain additional interest was given to the house-party entertainment at Abbot's Manor.

Are you buying it for him, too?" "Absolutely. As a surprise. It was Lucille's idea. His valet, a chappie named Parker, tipped us off that the thing was to be sold." "Parker? Great Scot! It was Parker who tipped ME off. I met him on Broadway, and he told me about it." "Rummy he never mentioned it in his letter to me.

As a matter of fact, this chappie is by way of being downtrodden and oppressed and what not, and I suggested that he should get hold of you and speak a few well-chosen words. Of course, if you'd rather some other time " But Mr. Brewster was not permitted to postpone the interview. Before he could get his breath, Salvatore had begun to talk.