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The pretty chambermaid's anxieties about her dress, the minutes she spends at her small and not very clear mirror, are sneeringly noticed by those whose toilet-cares take up serious hours; and the question has never apparently occurred to them why a serving-maid should not want to look pretty as well as her mistress.

Very soon Miss Tarlingford withdrew, and I experienced an aching void within, which chops and fritters had no power to replenish. I opened a chambermaid's heart with a half-dollar, and the treasures of her knowledge were revealed to me. The beauty and her party were to remain a fortnight Among her companions there were no males, except a youthful irresponsibility. Exultemus!

They do not, like us, fade their cheeks lying awake nights ruminating the awful question who shall do the washing next week, or who shall take the chambermaid's place, who is going to be married, or that of the cook, who has signified her intention of parting with the mistress.

'Ay, sais I, 'which is it, do you know? 'Upon my soul, I don't know, sais I; 'but try, it's no use to be caged up here like a painter, and out I will, that's a fact. "So I stops and studies, 'that's it, sais I, and I opens a door: it was a bedroom it was the likely chambermaid's. "'Softly, Sir, sais she, a puttin' of her finger on her lip, 'don't make no noise; Missus will hear you.

Through the night I hear scurrying feet in the hall, the late arrivals, the early risers, the bell-boy's raps on the doors, and finally the chambermaid's clatter, and her occasional turn on the knob, as a broad invitation to get up and out of the way that she may do her work. I started out in the morning at B , determined to do all in my power to make a good showing for myself.

The poor fool is fond of me, and often finds some ingenious chambermaid's excuse to pay me a visit. It does not appear that I shall need her agency; otherwise here she is, properly prepared to be wholly at my devotion. Anna St. Ives affords the fancy full employment; with any other woman an amour without plot and stratagem, attack and defence, would be too insipid to be endured.

Pry was spending the day in Phelps, and with this source of information cut off, Ethelyn heard nothing of No. 102, further than the chambermaid's casual remark that "the gentleman was quite an invalid, and for the present was to take his meals and baths in his room to avoid so much going up and down stairs."

If damages are paid on that basis, it means the daily inspection of every car which passes over their lines. And more than that: there are certain defects, as in the present case, which an inspection would not reveal. When a man accepts employment on a railroad he assumes a certain amount of personal risk, it's not precisely a chambermaid's job.

Caroline pious woman that she was opened the door violently without being able to wake the only husband that heaven had given her, and then hastened to church to listen to a thanksgiving mass. As she was visibly snappish for three whole days, Justine remarked, in reply to an unjust reproach, and with a chambermaid's finesse: "Why, madame, your husband's got back!"

Monsieur Darzac shook his head and said he was sure of the chambermaid's fidelity, and that she was a thoroughly honest and devoted servant. "Besides," he added, "at five o'clock Monsieur Stangerson went into the room to fetch his daughter's hat." "There is that also," said Rouletabille. "That the man entered by the window at the time you say, I admit," I said; "but why did he shut the window?