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He was watching the lights of a ship that slowly made its way down the river among the canoes, and his eyes never left it till it had passed beyond the island of Orleans and was lost in the night. "Mon cher!" he said, "mon enfant! She is not for him; she should not be. As a priest it were my duty to see that he should not marry her. As a man" he sighed "as a man I would give my life for him."

"That must depend on the justice of your judgments. In one thing, however, you will have me on your side, and that is in giving the pas to delicious, dreamy Italy! Though Mademoiselle Viefville will set this down as lese majeste against cher Paris; and I fear, Mr. Sharp will think even London injured."

Clarence, who was much affected by the kindness of this speech, replied in a similar vein; and the duke, having read and approved the letter, rose. "There is, in my opinion," said he, "no time to be lost. I will go to Borodaile this very evening: adieu, mon cher! you shall kill the Argus, and then carry off the Io.

As he turned to the door Coralie cried: "I shall see you at supper, mon cher?" He turned his head and looked at her. "I don't know," he said. "Very well. I like uncertainty. We will hope." He went out. I stood facing her for a moment. "Well?" said she, looking in my eyes, and seeming to challenge an expression of opinion. "You are pleased with yourself?" "Yes." "You have done some mischief."

'Ah, Beaujeu, mon cher ami, said he as he returned to his usual place in the line of march, 'que mon metier de prince errant est ennuyant, par fois. Mais, courage! c'est le grand jeu, apres tout.

"I expect she wants to say something about me in my absence," I thought to myself as I left the room. "I expect she wants to remark that she can see very clearly that I am a very, very clever young man." Hardly had I taken a dozen steps when I was overtaken by Sophia Ivanovna, who, though fat and short of breath, trod with surprising lightness and agility. "Merci, mon cher," she said.

"They are going, I think, to establish a mutual insurance agency in Issoudun, for the department of the Cher; you might get a place in it, but the pay won't be more than fifty francs a month at the outside." "That will be enough."

"Here we are, ma cher. I knew we'd find a place where you could show me how kind you feel toward your fond Fayette." "So that's the way you cross the line?" criticised Dolores. "What a get-away for a fast pacer who has gone the pace!" "Now, Dodie, don't hang back. You know as well as I do " "Hush! Don't whisper it aloud!" cautioned the girl, pointing dramatically to Blake. "Betray no secrets.

Annette shrugged her shoulders. "I do not think so. Living with you has killed things in me, it is true; but I am not a bad woman. I am sensible that is all. And so will you be when you have thought it over." "I shall see this man," said Soames sullenly, "and warn him off." "Mon cher, you are funny. You do not want me, you have as much of me as you want; and you wish the rest of me to be dead.

Thus, from a vicious feeling emanated a greater glory than from an exalted principle; and the artist was less celebrated for the monument of his patriotism than for that of his revenge! But, allons, mon cher, we grow wise and dull. Let us go to choose our Burgundy and our comrades to share it."