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"Si, señor. I am sorry for Ramon. This thing was not of his doing. He is but a boy " Waring touched the other's arm. "There will be no trouble, Juan. Only keep better track of your horses while I ride this part of the country." "But señor " "I've had business with you before. Two of your cayuses are astray down the Agua Fria. One of them is dragging a maguey lead-rope." "Señor, it is impossible!"

To him she was no more than some lovely animal of which he had become the owner; and ownership of course brought with it the right to tantalize and to torture. A malicious smile crossed his lips as he saw how sorrowfully her gaze rested on her old home. "Look forward," he said, "not back; look forward to your life with Snoqualmie and to the lodge that awaits you in the land of the Cayuses."

In that fierce and proud regard was something the Cayuse could not fathom. "Why should the peace-pipe be smoked?" he asked. "Was it not smoked in the great council a moon ago? Did not Snoqualmie say then that the two tribes should henceforth be as one tribe, and that the Bannocks should be the brethren of the Cayuses forever?" "Those were the words," replied the chief with dignity.

"The Indian cayuses, perhaps," he said. Natalie shook her head. "Heavier animals than that," she said. "And more like the steady trot of ridden horses!" They listened with strained attention; and presently the pound of hoofs was clearly audible returning on the same trail through the woods of the lake shore.

The character of the country changed so soon as the Innoko was crossed; the wide swamps gave place to a broken, light-timbered country of ridges and hollows, and the rough, laborious, horse-ruined trail across it made bad travelling. "Buckskin Bill," with his cayuses, was also engaged in "moving the meat."

The prospect of the brickyard was uninviting. He was jaded with all things business, and the wooded knolls were calling to him. A horse was between his legs a good horse, he decided; one that sent him back to the cayuses he had ridden during his eastern Oregon boyhood. He had been somewhat of a rider in those early days, and the champ of bit and creak of saddle-leather sounded good to him now.

"I've made one long journey in the saddle in Alberta; but you've seen our British Columbian trails. Our cayuses have generally to climb, and as a rule I've used horses only for packing. Still, I'm fond of them; I'd be interested in the thing." Nasmyth nodded. "One difficulty is that there's nothing in the neighborhood that I could try him for pace against except that horse of Gladwyne's."

They mustered about fifteen thousand warriors, from the Umbiquas, Callapoos, Cayuses, Nez-percés, Bonnaxes, Flat-heads, and some of the Crows, who had not yet gained prudence from their last "brushing."

She fell, and I caught her in my arms and fled into the wood. When we were safe I looked at her I carried, and she was dead. An arrow had pierced her heart. I buried her that night beneath a heap of stones, and fled to the Cayuses. That is my story." "What will you do now?" asked Cecil, deeply touched. "I shall live a man's life.

There they stand visitin' like two old soldiers on crutches instead of two mighty quick-actin' cayuses. Now that Yuma hoss has kicked the fancy linin' out of every cayuse that dast come nigh her. They 're all scared of her. She's makin' an exception this mornin'. She's plumb friendly with Boyar. That signifies! Hosses can see farther in the dark than folks." "Signifies what?"