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"You no buy cabbagee to-day?" repeated Ah Sing, with the catlike persistence of his race. And as Polly, with equal firmness and good-humour, again shook her head, he shouldered his pole and departed at a half-run, crooning as he went. Meanwhile at the bottom of the road another figure had come into view.

Besides," she said, letting a cold smile flicker on her lips, and enforcing it by an icy glance full of catlike distrust, "if it doesn't concern your happiness, it concerns your fortune; and at the height where I find you lodging no man haggles over a 'dot' Come," she said, "out with it! What is it you want to know, my lambs?"

Each time any one entered the room she looked upthen the hope died hard in her face. Leander came in with catlike tread and removed the pigeon-holes from the table. The post-office was closed. Family life had been resumed at the Daxes’. Judith left the room and stood in the blinding sunlight, basking in it as if she were cold. The mercury must have stood close to a hundred, and she was hatless.

Choosing a moment when none seemed near, Tarzan hastened to his bundle of arrows beneath the great tree at the end of the village street. As on the former occasion he overthrew the cauldron before leaping, sinuous and catlike, into the lower branches of the forest giant.

"Speak!" he hissed. "You lift up my heart from a dark pit!" "I can restore your white peacock," I said; "I and I alone, know where it is!" and I strove not to shrink from the face so close to mine. Upright shot the tall figure; high above his head Fu-Manchu threw his arms and a light of exaltation gleamed in the now widely opened, catlike eyes.

He guessed that the ape had either come or gone by way of the break, and while the Arabs hesitated without, he sprang, catlike, for the opening, grasped the top of the wall and clambered out upon the roof, dropping instantly to the ground at the rear of the hut.

The glow of "the Silvery Way" was all the help that the girl's catlike eyesight needed; she seemed reassured. "Ye look very strange and excited, Rolla, but not mad. Tell me again what thou didst see and hear, that I may compare it with what ye have already told." Rolla began again; and meanwhile, on the earth, the doctor's companions telepathically congratulated him on his success.

They were just in time to see a lithe figure in pink spring out, catlike, from behind the palm-screened alcove and hear a furious voice cry out, "How dare you insult a guest by talking about her, the moment her back is turned?" Jerry Macy and Marjorie Dean whirled about at the sound of that wrathful voice.

He was hot and dusty from his ride, but with a lover's impetuosity he had made straight for this lighted room. For the briefest instant he balanced himself just inside the portal, and the smile remained fixed upon his lips. Then his eyes became ringed with white and he made a swift, catlike movement of retreat.

They at length discovered its approach, and went bounding forward over everything that impeded their progress, jumping, running, and wading through the marsh with frantic energy. The cheetah's blood was up. It singled out one of the animals, and away it went, bounding catlike over the bushes; plunging into the morass, though hating water, rather than allow its prey to escape.