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Nan had something very important to tell Margaret. Her savings had amounted to quite a goodly sum and in the catalog of a mail-order house she had found something of which she wished to secure Margaret's opinion. The child, as usual, ran away when they met, and even Bob could not bring her back. "She's as obstinate as dad's old mu-el," grunted the disgusted boy.

Are the names of writers with the titles of their books less well remembered by children who learn them through the game of "Authors" than they are by children who might be required to memorize them from a catalog?

When, again, the ambassadors of Antiochus were recounting to those of Achaea, the various multitudes composing their royal master's forces, and ran over a long catalog of hard names, "I supped once," said Titus, "with a friend, and could not forbear expostulating with him at the number of dishes he had provided, and said I wondered where he had furnished himself with such a variety; 'Sir, replied he, 'to confess the truth, it is all hog's flesh differently cooked. And so, men of Achaea, when you are told of Antiochus's lancers, and pikemen, and foot guards, I advise you not to be surprised; since in fact they are all Syrians differently armed."

It was like the Art Department in many of the American colleges: its existence largely confined to the school catalog. There were many weeks of biting poverty and neglect for Linnæus, but he worked away in obscurity and silence and endured, saying all the time, "The sun will come out, the sun will come out!" Doctor Olaf Rudbeck had charge of the chair of Botany, but seldom sat in it.

It is the classed catalog which they will use most, but they should understand the difference between it and the author list. In all schools it is a good plan to give quizzes, even on a first visit, to draw the children out. Those who are already patrons of the library are delighted to show their knowledge.

Then Elizabeth expressed the thought which had come to her while studying the catalog: "But I have had more work than the Freshman and Middle Classes require. It would not take me long to complete the work for the Senior year. I want to go, I think I have always wanted to go to school, but it seems such a waste of money. You can teach me more, I can really learn as much at home."

Nothing short of an earthquake would ever shake Aunt Grace out of her settled complacency. Hinpoha went happily on, seeing that every tack and screw was in place, and arranging the books in the cases to correspond to her father's catalog, for they had become sadly mixed during his absence.

Serena had declared that their other, the one which had accompanied them on various trips to Boston during the past eight years, was altogether too shabby. She had insisted on buying another, and, the stock in the store not being good enough, had selected this herself from the catalog of a Boston manufacturer. Her umbrella, silk with a silver handle, was new also.

One hundred and fifty-two out of 160 libraries have answered the following questions: 1. Are your children's books kept by themselves? Are they classified, and how? Have they a separate card catalog or printed finding list? Are they covered? Do you enforce rules with regard to clean hands? Have you an age limit, and if so, what is it? Do you allow more than one book a week on a child's card?

Her feeling that he was antagonistic to her, which had lapsed while she thought of her family possessions, returned so keenly that she stopped in the middle of her catalog and looked at him. Her mother, wishing to connect him reputably with the great dead, had compared him with Mr.