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His black eyes sparkled, and his moustaches bristled with excitement. Clearly he had news of import. I turned to the landlord. "Leave us, Monsieur l'Hote," said I shortly; and when he had departed, "What of the Lavedan family, Castelroux?" I inquired as calmly as I might. "The Chevalier de Saint-Eustache left Toulouse at six o'clock this morning for Lavedan."

"Has he done much so far?" was my next question. "He has reduced half a dozen noblemen and their families. The wealth he must thereby have amassed should be very considerable, indeed." "To-morrow, Castelroux, I will see the King in connection with this pretty gentleman, and not only shall we find him a dungeon deep and dank, but we shall see that he disgorges his blood-money."

He had not calculated upon Castelroux, nor that the King should already have heard of my detention. Now that Roxalanne came to entreat him to do that which already he saw himself forced to do, he turned his attention to the profit that he might derive from her interestedness on my behalf.

The President chuckled evilly, and his satellites smiled in polite reflection of his mood. "This acute differentiating is peculiar, Monsieur de Lesperon, to persons of unsound mental condition," said he. "I am afraid that it will serve little purpose. A man is generally known by his name, is he not?" I did not answer him. "Shall we call Monsieur de Castelroux to confirm what I have said?"

That he had cheated at the very outset, as I have earlier shown, was of less account than that he had been instrumental in violently hindering me. I took at last the resolve to indite a full memoir of the transaction, and to request Castelroux to see that it was delivered to the King himself. Thus not only would justice be done, but I should though tardily be even with the Count.

He was standing a tall, spare figure in black leaning against the frame of a window, his head supported on his raised left arm and his eyes intent upon the gardens below. He remained so until Castelroux had withdrawn and the door had closed again; then, turning suddenly, he confronted me, his back to the light, so that his face was in a shadow that heightened its gloom and wonted weariness.

My agents are everywhere scouring the province for your servants, and let us pray Heaven that they may succeed in their search." "It is a forlorn hope, Monsieur de Castelroux," I sighed, "and I will pin no faith to it lest I suffer a disappointment that will embitter my last moments, and perhaps rob me of some of the fortitude I shall have need of."

Whilst Castelroux went to arrange for fresh horses, I strode into the common room, and there for some moments I stood discussing the viands with our host. When at last I had resolved that a cold pasty and a bottle of Armagnac would satisfy our wants, I looked about me to take survey of those in the room.

He had discovered from Monsieur de Castelroux that I was gone to Lavedan, and he determined to follow me thither. He had no horse and little money, and so he had set out afoot that very day, and dragged himself as far as Blagnac, where, however, his strength had given out, and he was forced to halt. A providence it seemed that this had so befallen.

And now, when here in this remote corner of France it had shown me the one prize I coveted, it had been swift to place it beyond my reach, thereby sowing everlasting discontent and misery in my hitherto pampered heart. I saw Castelroux that day, but I said no word to him of my affliction. He brought me news of Chatellerault.