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There was a mingling of voices exclamations addressed to their animals by the arrieros, such as: "Mula! anda! vaya! levantate! carrai! mula mulita! anda! st! st!" In the midst of this din I fancied that I heard the voice of a woman. "Can it be ?" The thought was too painful. A bugle at length sounded, and we felt ourselves again moving onward. Our road appeared to run along the naked ridge.

"The guero!" muttered the mulatto; "be sure, boy Pepe." "Trust you for a guess, brother Man'l: you were right about the tracks we first fell in with. The cave's his hiding-place to a certainty. We'll have him sure when he comes back. Carrai! yonder he comes!" As the zambo spake, a tall dark form was perceived approaching down the ravine.

"Where the sacred fire burns; where he makes his medicine." "Where is it? lead me to it!" "Ay de mi! we know not the way. It is a sacred place where they burn people! Ay de mi!" "But, senor, it is in this temple; somewhere under the ground. He knows. None but he is permitted to enter it. Carrai! The estufa is a fearful place. So say the people."

"They'll be tired o' waitin' on us, whar they are," rejoined Garey, "unless blacktails is plentier among them Musquites than I think for." "Vaya!" exclaimed Sanchez; "they may thank the Santisima they were not in our company! I'm spent to a skeleton. Mira! carrai!" Our horses were at length bridled and saddled, and our lassoes coiled up. Still the vidette had not warned us.

It was plainly impassable. We were fairly "in the trap." "Carrai!" exclaimed one of the men, "we will die of hunger and thirst if they stay to hunt!" "We may die sooner," rejoined another, "if they take a notion in their heads to wander up the gully." This was not improbable, though it was but little likely.

Senor Don Juan de Dios!" cried the alcalde, in a peevish tone at the same time biting his gold-headed cane, the emblem of his office "Is it you or I who have here the right to ask questions? Carrai! it appears to me that you make me cut a strange figure!" Here Cagatinta interposed with a modest air "I shall answer our friend Canelo, if you permit me.

"Oh! true," muttered the Mexican "the father of the huntress a hunter himself? Carrai! that's like enough. But no matter. I can take you up the gorge in such fashion, that the most skilled rastreador of the prairies would never suspect we had passed through. Fortunately, the ground is favourable. The bottom of the little canon is covered with cut rocks. The hoof will leave no mark upon these."