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They believe that whenever any person is sick, his illness is occasioned by the atua, in the shape of a lizard, preying upon his entrails; and, accordingly, in such cases, they often address the most horrid imprecations and curses to the invisible cannibal, in the hope of thereby frightening him away.

Many years ago I heard a man from New Zealand tell how a cannibal in that country once supported his claim to a piece of land on the ground that the title passed to him when he ate the former owner. I accepted this story as a bit of humour, but it accurately describes an historic form of title.

"Some of them are remarkably tame, and trade freely with strangers; but others have strongly marked cannibal propensities, and dote upon a white-skin feast when they can get one." Here Becker shuddered, and uttered an exclamation of horror. "That would be a terrible fate, Willis." "Whatever can he mean?" thought the Pilot.

Possessed of great energy and prowess, he was a cruel cannibal of visage that was grim in consequence of his sharp and long teeth. He was now hungry and longing for human flesh. Of long shanks and a large belly, his locks and beard were both red in hue. His shoulders were broad like the neck of a tree; his ears were like unto arrows, and his features were frightful.

Others swam out after us, as if about to endeavour to board the vessel, and did not turn back until we had hoisted our sail, and began to draw steadily from the land. "And thus ends the story of the Cannibal Island of Angatan." "Is that all?" inquired Johnny, looking somewhat disappointed. "Yes, that is all," answered Arthur, "it comes as near to being a cannibal story, as any thing I know.

"This is what I should call an exclusive private dance," he whispered. "I feel quite mad but delightfully mad!" "We're enchanted. The shades of unnumbered generations of cannibals are watching us from high up on the side of the cliff there." "And I'll bet the cannibal women are saying that we dance too close, and that it was immodest of me to come without my nose-ring."

Where the wretched bark 'gunyah' of the native stood, is now found the well-finished house of the planter; and where the savage pastimes of the 'bora' ground once obtained, and the smoke from cannibal fires curled slowly upwards to the blue vault of heaven, is heard the cheerful ring of the blacksmith's hammer, the crack of the bullock-whip, as the team moves slowly onward beneath the weight of seven-feet canes, and the measured throb of machinery from the factory, where the crushed plant is yielding up its sweets between the inexorable iron crushers.

"'Whirlwind' the filibuster first," said one of the passengers with an affrighted air. "Or 'Rend the Soul' the buccaneer of Marie-Galande," said another. "Or 'Youmäale, the Caribbean cannibal of the lake of the Caimans," continued a third. "What?" cried the chevalier, "does Blue Beard coquette at the same time with a filibusterer, a buccaneer, and a cannibal? Bah! what a woman!"

With respect to the etymology of the word cannibal, it seems to me entirely cleared up by the discovery of the journal kept by Columbus during his first voyage of discovery, and of which Bartholomew de las Casas has left us an abridged copy. Some call them canibas; but in Spanish they are called caribs.

This island seems uninhabited, but it still might harbor certain individuals who aren't so finicky about the sort of game they eat!" "Hee hee!" Ned put in, with a meaningful movement of his jaws. "Ned! Oh horrors!" Conseil exclaimed. "Ye gods," the Canadian shot back, "I'm starting to appreciate the charms of cannibalism!" "Ned, Ned! Don't say that!" Conseil answered. "You a cannibal?