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'Treat men like dogs, and they'll behave like dogs, grumbled Sergeant Wilkes, as he followed to prevent what mischief he might. But this, he well knew, would be little enough. Corporal Sam Vicary, coming up to the edge of the camp-fire's light, stood there for a moment with a white face.

But I turn the light canoe, And, darting across the night, Am glad of the paddles' noise And the camp-fire's honest light. An interest attaches to Mr. Mill's posthumous Essays on Religion which is quite independent of their intrinsic value or importance.

River black, with flashing bits of white rapid; banks have grayish rocks, and so seem to be nearer than the dark stream limits. Sky looks level with hill-tops. Water seems to come up close. Effect of being in a concave valley of water, and all things draw in on me. Sense of awe. Camp-fire's red glare on water. Sudden opening lift of sky. Hills recede. Water-level falls.

I suppose I must," said McLeod, "and I rather think that Flora will " A deep blush and an imploring look from Flora stopped him. Just then a rustle was heard among the leaves outside the circle of the camp-fire's light, and Kenneth cocked his gun as Sharpeye stalked forward and sat solemnly down by the fire.

He who advised canoeists must assume wisdom of paddles, rapids, currents, and portages. He whose sleeping hours were spangled with the clang of the street cars must counsel such hardy ones as were preparing cheerfully to seek rest rolled in blankets before a camp-fire's dying embers.

Relieved to find that he was not the advance-guard of a band of savages, Ned invited the stranger to approach, and immediately he stepped within the sacred circle of the camp-fire's light. This unexpected addition to the party was by no means a pleasant one. His complexion was exceedingly dark, and he wore a jet-black beard.

At daybreak, the riders who had been all night on the higher trails and fire-breaks, searching the darkness for the possible gleam of a camp-fire's light, came in. All that day Wednesday the mountain horsemen rode, widening the area of their search under the direction of the Ranger.

She always swells up same as a horned toad soon as you begin to saddle up." We rode from the circle of the camp-fire's light and out upon the desert. It was Bunt's turn to ride the herd that night, and I had volunteered to bear him company. Bunt was one of a fast-disappearing type. He knew his West as the cockney knows his Piccadilly.

The canyon below, already, lay in the shadow. When they reached the foot of the trail, it was twilight. Across the road, by a small streamlet a tributary to Clear Creek a party of huntsmen were making ready to spend the night. The voices of the men came clearly through the gathering gloom. Under the trees, they could see the camp-fire's ruddy gleam.

Yet all beyond the pale of her camp-fire's light was silence, utter and complete silence. It seemed as if a muscular energy went into the intensity of her listening, but not a sound reached her except a faint whispering of the wind in the dark trees above her. But at last she knew that the thing was upon her.