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But her body remained warm for three days, so that her relatives would not suffer her to be taken to the burning-ground. And on the evening of the third day she came to life again. Then she related that on the day of her death she had gone before the judgment-seat of Emma, king and judge of the dead.

Dogs and jackals are tearing up carcasses which lie scattered all round. Vultures are quarrelling among themselves. These sights unloosen the bonds that bind him to the world. The king is trembling with fear. His two colleagues have left him. But he will not leave his station. He must do his duty. The night deepens. The burning-ground becomes still more hideous.

As the queen delivers the clothes into the hands of the slave, she notices signs of royalty in his hands and is surprised that such a hand is engaged in so low an office. "She looks attentively and exclaims in a wild voice, Oh my lord! Oh Maharaja! you a slave in this burning-ground! Oh lord Kausika! are you not yet satisfied?" The queen rushes to embrace the king.

News comes that my effigy has been burnt at the river-side burning-ground of the Chakravartis, with due ceremony and enthusiasm; and other insults are in contemplation. The trouble was that they had come to ask me to take shares in a Cotton Mill they wanted to start.

She has come to the burning-ground to burn the dead body of her son. The queen weeps and faints. The king stares at the face of the corpse for a long time and at last recognises his dead son. He too faints. After a long time he recovers, and finds that the queen also has recovered. He thinks of committing suicide, but the body is not his own.

It is too horrible to think of being cremated in your wretched burning-ground here, under that stumpy banian tree that is why I have been refusing to die, and have plagued you all this time." At last I could hear the true voice of home. The Bara Rani came into our house as its bride, when I was only six years old.

The attendant friends, each of whom has carried a piece of wood to the burning-ground, arrange the fuel with butter on the furnace, the corpse wrapped in the white sheet is put in, and fire is applied. The process of destruction in a rich man's case takes about an hour. During the burning the lamas read in high, hoarse monotones, and the blacksmiths beat their drums.

Then came a flash of lightning, and she saw the tank, the banian, the great plain, the far-off trees. She remembered how at full moon she had sometimes come to bathe in this tank, and how dreadful death had seemed when she saw a corpse on the burning-ground. Her first thought was to return home. But then she reflected: "I am dead. How can I return home? That would bring disaster on them.

It made the Americans shudder when their guides told them about it more in detail than when it was described in the lecture. Passing by the cemeteries of the English and the Mussulmans on their return to the city, they halted at the Hindu Burning-Ground, on the shore of the Back Bay. Here the natives are burned to ashes.

I am the agent of the lord of this burning-ground. I make this proclamation by order of my lord." No one responds. No voice is heard; only horrible figures are seen playing around him. After a while, a hermit comes and says. "I am a hermit. I have resolved to practise some mantras. I have come to know everything about you by my powers of yoga.