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"Oh," she answered innocently, "you couldn't persuade me to do another turn; I know I seemed to take and that you'd like to have me, but I really, really can't." "You know what I mean," he said, with a touch of his old bulldozing manner. "No, I really won't," she persisted. "Vaudeville's too too wearing on the nerves, my nerves, at any rate."

Many of the mules, he says, were putting in most of their time bulldozing their fellows, and doing their best to make their life unbearable, and the downtrodden specimens seem so desperately scared of the bulldozers that he expects to see some of them jump overboard from sheer fright and desperation.

"You know well enough what I mean this revolution that is being planned to bring about the new state of Vespuccia, as your friends Santos and Gordon call it." "Vespuccia Santos Gordon?" "Yes," he shouted, "Vespuccia Santos Gordon. And I'll go further. I'll tell you something you may not care to hear." Drummond leaned over closer to her in his favorite bulldozing manner when he dealt with a woman.

I refuse to pay your price. If I were a knave I'd pay it. I want you to understand one thing. I shall stand my ground here. If you persecute me, I'll not stop flaying you until death ends my endeavours. We'll see what justice can give me in exchange for your bulldozing. I will have restitution, remember that. Now, you've nothing more to say to me. Get out!" "Sir!" "Get out!"

A Canadian who was forced to work in a munitions plant and whose task included the replacing of waste in the wheel boxes of cars enjoyed himself for a while, lifting the greasy waste out and replacing it with sand. He got ten years for that. The German in charge of our laager hated the verdamnt Engländer and lost no opportunity of bulldozing and threatening us.

And we share a common dislike for the asperity shown by the untactful, inefficient, bulldozing old Jack. Here is a good story that "Buck" Carlson used to tell in his inimitable way.

Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it.

This was not all granted, but under his ingenious persuasion President Johnson, on the 13th of August, 1866, directed that the new State officials be entrusted with the unhampered control of civil affairs, and this was more than enough to revive the bulldozing methods that had characterized the beginning of Hamilton's administration.

"Where is the headquarters of the inner circle?" he shot out. Miss Lowe hesitated. That had evidently been one of the things she had determined not to divulge. "Tell me," insisted Kennedy. "You must!" If it had been Burke's bulldozing she would never have yielded.

The general flushed and replied, "Well, to be perfectly honest with you, Mart he did promise me to vote for the dram-shop law." And in the convention that summer Lige Bemis strode with his ragged cigar sticking from the corner of his mouth, with his black eyes blazing, and his shock of black hair on end, begging, bulldozing, and buying delegates to vote for him.