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No doubt either of these samples can be used with success in preparing emulsions, but to those who are inexperienced, I recommend that the recrystallized salt be employed. We make, then, a solution of recrystallized silver nitrate in distilled water, containing in every 12 ounces of solution 11/4 ounces of the salt. The next material we require is a soluble bromide.

Good night, sir." She smiled brightly, unaffectedly, as she turned toward the open door. There was something forelorn about her, after all, and his heart was touched. "Better luck, Miss Thackeray. Every cloud has its silver lining." She stopped and faced him once more. "That's the worst bromide in the language," she said.

"I thought you'd see them if I said nothing and I'm glad you found them yourself. I am going to have a print of that plate as soon as it gets dry enough. I can dry it by a little stove I have and then take a bromide print of it in soft grays. That will fetch it up all right." "But, Billy, what are Herring and Jim Jenkins doing together and what are they so interested about?"

In some dim future incarnation, perhaps, the Bromide will leap into sulphitic apprehension of existence. It is the person who is Absolutely Young who says, "Alas, I never had a youth I don't understand what it is to be young!" and he who is Absolutely Old remarks, blithely, "Oh, dear, I can't seem to grow up at all!"

He found that my pulse was high, my eyes dilated, my nerves highly strung, but no alarming symptoms. I must have a course of shower baths and of bromide of potassium. May 25. No change! My state is really very peculiar. As the evening comes on, an incomprehensible feeling of disquietude seizes me, just as if night concealed some terrible menace toward me.

Talking about this, Mr Mackay told me that sea-water is composed of an awful lot of things such as I would not have supposed oxygen and hydrogen, with muriate of soda, magnesia, iron, lime, copper, silica, potash, chlorine, iodine, bromide, ammonia and silver being amongst its ingredients, and the muriate of soda forming the largest of the solid substances detected in it.

She did not know that this was the action of bromide of potassium, consistently administered in every drink she took, in every morsel of food she ate. Bromide in bread, in coffee, in mashed potatoes, in rice, in all the vehicles by which the drug could be administered. Sometimes by reason of her sheer vitality she flung off the effects of the dope, and was keenly conscious of her surroundings.

It was this excitement that he must cure, and as there are many remedies for insomnia, he tried those which, it seemed to him, were suitable to his case; but bromide of potassium, in spite of its hypnotic properties, produced no more effect than the over-working of the brain and body.

The bromides, in solution, are readily decomposed and chloride being set free, colors the liquid brown. In the whole range of heliographic chemicals there is probably not another collection less understood and being so productive of interesting investigation as the bromides. Bromide of Iodine.

An unobserving person, still seeking the key to their intimacy, could easily blunder upon the old bromide and repeat that a pretty woman invariably prefers a plain one for a foil. But he would have to be a very blind fool indeed. For Felicity Brown's beauty, perfect enough under the spot of the Midnight Club's miniature stage, became a less flawless thing in contrast with Cecille.