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'Home; does that mean Martindale? said Violet. 'Yes. He has never looked on any place but Brogden as his home. 'You don't think he repents of what he has done? 'No, certainly not. He has seen what a long engagement is. 'Yes; I almost wonder at his writing to you in that tone. 'He banters because he cannot bear to show his real feeling. I am not anxious about him.

James's Park, had many interesting conversations on Brogden affairs, and Johnnie had been several times at the rooms over the toy-shop, and was on intimate terms with old Puss. Violet knew that he would be safe, and was willing to think it right he should be made more of a man. She felt her Johnnie's value more than ever that evening, when she saw how his father missed him.

To be so guarded, as she is, at her age, shows some resolution. 'Guarded! has she been saying anything? 'No, she is extremely prudent. 'Inferring it, then, exclaimed Theodora. 'Well, her expectations must be high, if she is not satisfied; one comfort is, the Brogden scheme is only John's and papa's. My aunt can't bear it, because it seems quite to give up the chance of John's marrying.

"No, she wasn't his wife; only the Yankee schoolmistress of La Junta. I never saw her. She must have been an angel, though, from his description; so I will leave the details for your acquaintance hereafter, Miss Brogden;" which outrageous flattery was received with contemptuous silence.

'I have been reckoning that we could stay on three weeks more before going to Brogden; and, if you like it, I should wish to spend our wedding-day here, said Violet, in the shy diffident way in which she was wont to proffer any request for her own gratification. 'I had another scheme for our wedding-day. What do you say to spending it at Wrangerton?

The experimental works are situated in the Route d'Orleans, Grand Montrouge, just outside Paris, and a few days ago a series of demonstrations were given there by Messrs. G.W.H. Brogden and Co., of Gresham-house, London. The trials were carried out by M. Albert Alroy, under the supervision of M. Urbain, who is Professor Fremy's chief assistant and copatentee, and were attended by Dr.

Poor Lady Martindale, when she had sent her note of invitation to Lady Elizabeth and Emma to spend a long day at Brogden, she little imagined how long the day would be to her suspense. She could not even talk it over with any one but John, and he did not feel secure of Violet's willingness.

The summer was dreary at Brogden, as well as in Cadogan-place. Theodora soon was able to call herself well, and to resume her usual avocations, but she had not the same sense of energy and strength of body, and her days were combats with inertness and fatigue. She did not slacken her exertions, but they had no zest, and she suffered for them.

The weather had been fine and hot. On 'XY night' troops were swarming round Vlamertinghe and there was every sign that a great push was about to commence. "During July 30, in our little wooden dug-out here, Dickinson held conferences consisting of Allen and myself with Sergeant Brogden, Sergeant Baldwin, Sergeants Stokes and, of course, Sergeant-Major Preston and Quartermaster-Sergeant Jack.

"I was talking to Sergeant Brogden the new gas N.C.O. last night. He comes from Middleton Junction. He says that he was in the Church Lads Brigade at St. Gabriel's. "I have been reading the leading article about popular scapegoats in the Church Times, and I agree with it.