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Doctor Linlay's daughter was his finest pupil, and with her were elucidated all his theories concerning the Sixteen Perspective Laws of Art. She also proved a few points in stirpiculture. She was a most beautiful girl of seventeen when Richard Brinsley Sheridan led her to the altar, or I should say to a Dissenting Pastor's back door by night.

And Doctor Johnson said, "Sir, he does nothing else," thus anticipating James McNeil Whistler by more than a hundred years. But alas for the luckless Linlay, the Delsarte of his day, poor man! he used words not to be found in Johnson's Dictionary, and outdid Cassius in the quarrel-scene to the Brutus of Richard Brinsley.

On the 2d of July, the Prince Regent prorogued the Parliament, after a new Alien Bill, and a Bill to regulate the Civil List, had passed. On the 12th of July, 1816, there was a public funeral of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. certainly the most brilliant and accomplished orator of the age.

He reached high political station, although his habits were such as destroyed, in many respects, the respect of those great men with whom he was associated. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, another of the public accusers of Hastings, was a different man from either Burke or Fox. He was born in Ireland, but was educated at Harrow, and first distinguished himself by writing plays.

The father of Richard Brinsley Sheridan was "Elocutionist to the King," and was paid a like sum. When Doctor Watson heard that Herschel was about to leave Bath he wrote, "Never bought King honor so cheap." It was nominated in the bond that Herschel should act as "Guide to the heavens for the diversification of visitors whenever His Majesty wills it."

That has all now been rectified; Buenos Ayres is at present admirably drained, and is one of the healthiest cities of South America. Certain names, again, have their drawbacks. Helen Lady Dufferin, the mother of my old Chief and godfather, was the grand-daughter of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, and in common with her two sisters, the Duchess of Somerset and Mrs.

"The Delegates of the Burgesses of Scotland, associated for the purpose of Reform, taking into their most serious consideration the important services rendered to their cause by the manly and prudent exertions of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq., the genuine and fixed attachment to it which the whole tenor of his conduct has evinced, and the admirable moderation he has all along displayed,

"I often look at his name on the third panel of the Fourth Form Room." He glanced at his father, who smiled, knowing that a delicate compliment was intended, for enthusiastic admirers had spoken of Charles Desmond as the Richard Brinsley Sheridan of the modern House of Commons. The father said curtly "A sky-rocket, my dear Harry." Then he turned to John.

Bid her be grave, those lips should rebel prove To every theme that slanders mirth or love. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. Second Prologue to The Rivals. The devotion of Mr. Sheridan to the Dean of Winchester's daughter, Miss Esther Jane Ogle or "the irresistible Ogle," as she was toasted at the Kit-cat was now a circumstance to be assumed in the polite world of London.

Everybody in London knows the great Mr. Sheridan." "What! Mr. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the dramatist?" "And manager of Drury Lane Theaytre. Didn't you 'ear 'im hoffer to put you on the stage, w'en 'e spoke about your looks and voice?" Madge turned to the mirror; and saw, for the first time in weeks, a sudden light of hope, a sense of triumphs yet in her power, dawn upon her face.