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As manager of the joint household, she was able to pay up her stakes with the money intended for their current expenses, and she went deeper and deeper into debt, with the hope of ultimately enriching her grandson Bixiou, her dear Agathe, and the little Bridaus.

She was fonder of the little Bridaus than she was of her grandson Bixiou, partly from a sense of the wrong she had done them, partly because she felt the kindness of her niece, who, under her worst deprivations, never uttered a word of reproach.

From 1804 to 1808, the Bridaus lived in a handsome suite of rooms on the Quai Voltaire, a few steps from the ministry of the interior and close to the Tuileries. A cook and footman were the only servants of the household during this period of Madame Bridau's grandeur. Agathe, early afoot, went to market with her cook. While the latter did the rooms, she prepared the breakfast.

Madame Hochon actually risked the use of her precious relics! These preparations and this sacrifice increased old Hochon's anxiety; up to this time he had not believed in the arrival of the Bridaus. The morning of the day that was celebrated by the trick on Fario, Madame Hochon said to her husband after breakfast: "I hope, Hochon, that you will receive my goddaughter, Madame Bridau, properly."

Although Finot was still proprietor of the other newspaper, which he had divided into shares, holding all the shares himself, the proprietor and editor "de visu" was one of his friends, named Lousteau, the son of that very sub-delegate of Issoudun on whom the Bridaus' grandfather, Doctor Rouget, had vowed vengeance; consequently he was the nephew of Madame Hochon.

Besides, if the Bridaus succeed, and Flore has nothing but what she stands in, I should be satisfied; do you understand that? I love her enough to prefer her to Mademoiselle Fichet, if Mademoiselle Fichet would have me." Mademoiselle Fichet was the richest heiress in Issoudun, and the hand of the daughter counted for much in the reported passion of the younger Goddet for the mother.

Madame Hochon actually risked the use of her precious relics! These preparations and this sacrifice increased old Hochon's anxiety; up to this time he had not believed in the arrival of the Bridaus. The morning of the day that was celebrated by the trick on Fario, Madame Hochon said to her husband after breakfast: "I hope, Hochon, that you will receive my goddaughter, Madame Bridau, properly."

The Bridaus are well received, they get small presents, and are smothered with attentions, and the end of it is they will sing our praises; they will go away satisfied and leave us in peace. To-morrow morning you and I and Kouski will take down all those pictures and send them over to the painter, so that he shall see them when he wakes up.

Meantime the Knights were searching for a way to put the Parisians to flight, and finding none that were not impracticable follies. At the end of a week half the time the Parisians were to stay in Issoudun the Bridaus were no farther advanced in their object than when they came. "Your lawyer does not understand the provinces," said old Hochon to Madame Bridau.

I did a foolish thing!" "Max!" said Francois, taking his arm. "They are coming to-night." "They! Who!" "The Bridaus. My grandmother has just had a letter from her goddaughter." "Listen, my boy," said Max in a low voice. "I have been thinking deeply of this matter. Neither Flore nor I ought to seem opposed to the Bridaus.