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Toodles could conceive a want for such as broken pots, dog-irons, fenders, saws, toasters, stew-pans, old muskets, boxing-gloves and foils, and sundry other odds and ends too numerous to mention.

She was always willing to do anything Tomboyish, indeed she was generally willing to do anything one wanted, and her biceps were as hard as mine, for I pinched them to see. We got two pairs of gloves, much too big for us, and stuffed cotton wool in to make them like boxing-gloves, as we used to stuff out the buff-coloured waistcoat when we acted old gentlemen in it.

"Are the industries of this country in a flourishing condition?" asked a Traveller from a Foreign Land of the first man he met in America. "Splendid!" said the Man. "I have more orders than I can fill." "What is your business?" the Traveller from a Foreign Land inquired. The Man replied, "I make boxing-gloves for the tongues of pugilists." The Self-Made Monkey

When he returned he hurled a pair of boxing-gloves at Geraldine, who put them on, laced them, trembling with wrath, and flew at her brother as soon as his own gloves were fastened. They went about their business like lightning, swinging, blocking, countering.

The statue represents a naked boxer of herculean frame, his hands armed with the aestus or boxing-gloves made of leather. The man is evidently a professional "bruiser" of the lowest type. He is just resting after an encounter, and no detail is spared to bring out the nature of his occupation.

One day George rode over with two pairs of boxing-gloves dangling from his saddle. After lessons he and Taffy had a try with them, in a clearing behind the shrubberies where the gardener had heaped his sweepings of dry leaves to rot down for manure. "But, look here," said George, after the first round; "you'll never learn if you hit so wild as that.

You'll like her. Tell her all about yourself where you were born, how much you are round the chest, what's your favourite breakfast food. That's what she likes to chat about. And tell her I'll be down in a second." Steve, reaching the studio, found Mrs. Porter examining the boxing-gloves which had been thrown on a chair. "Eight-ounce, ma'am," he said genially, by way of introduction.

There were collected and piled up all Albert's successive caprices, hunting-horns, bass-viols, flutes a whole orchestra, for Albert had had not a taste but a fancy for music; easels, palettes, brushes, pencils for music had been succeeded by painting; foils, boxing-gloves, broadswords, and single-sticks for, following the example of the fashionable young men of the time, Albert de Morcerf cultivated, with far more perseverance than music and drawing, the three arts that complete a dandy's education, i.e., fencing, boxing, and single-stick; and it was here that he received Grisier, Cook, and Charles Leboucher.

Estelle walked up to her cousin and stood at his side. "That is very bad policy to borrow one's boxing-gloves; and I happened to overhear Edna Earl when she made that same suggestion to Gordon Leigh, with reference to my amiable temperament.

His anxious but admiring mother was forgotten; the world was forgotten; Jenkins and the small boy were alone in a universe of grip dumb-bells, heavy weights, "exercisers," boxing-gloves, horizontal bars, swinging balls and wooden "horses." Dion stood in the doorway and looked on till the lesson was finished.