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Mr Borden's followers fought with the eager enthusiasm which is bred of long exclusion from office, while the ministerialists save only the veteran prime minister himself and a small band of his supporters fought feebly, as if dulled by the satiety which comes of long possession of the loaves and fishes. Outside the party bounds the situation was the same.

The year which saw the appearance of Main Street and Miss Lulu Bett saw also that of The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton's acid delineation of the village of Manhattan in the genteel seventies, given over to the "innocence that seals the mind against imagination and the heart against experience"; saw Mary Borden's The Romantic Woman, with its cosmopolitan amusement at the village of Iroquois, otherwise Chicago; and saw Floyd Dell's Moon-Calf, which, standing on the other side of controversy, lacks not only the disposition to sentimentalize the village but even the disposition to ridicule it.

Three days before Sir Robert Borden made his announcement of an intention to introduce conscription, Sir Wilfrid, anticipating the announcement, wrote to Sir Allan Aylesworth his unalterable opposition to the policy. This being the case, there never was a chance that Laurier would entertain Borden's offer to join him in a national government.

The memoranda sent at Sir Robert Borden's request in January 1913, emphasizing the difficulty of building battleships in Canada which was not proposed by the Opposition and the difficulty of helping to man the two Canadian fleet units though at the same time men were declared to be available for as many as five Dreadnoughts, if contributed were preceded by pressure on the Malay States to contribute a battleship, and were followed by Mr Churchill's announcement of his intention to establish at Gibraltar an Imperial Squadron composed of Dominion ships, under the Admiralty's control.

Sit down, Mr. Hammerly. Do you know Pittsburg at all?" "Oh, yes. Borden, who keeps the gambling den on X street, is an old friend of mine. Do you happen to know how old Borden's getting along?" "Yes, his place was raided and closed up by the police." "That's just the old man's luck. Same thing in Kansas City." "By the way, Mr. Hammerly, do you know of any gambling houses in this city?"

Borden's voice, and Ackley, usually so grim and prompt, held the girl's hand lingeringly as he tried to make a joke about her defying him and the whole Confederacy. It was a dismal failure. Regarding him with her weary eyes, she said: "Doctor, you had wit enough and heart enough to understand and subdue me. Haven't I minded you since?"

Come out, you swine, and face our fleet; We'll smash you into sausage-meat." Another one had a distinctly Canadian flavor: "Kaiser Bill, Kaiser Bill, you'd better be in hell, be in hell! When Borden's beauties start to yell, start to yell, We'll hang you high on Potsdam's palace wall You're a damned poor Kaiser after all." The Commandant came in one day to inspect the huts.

Some rumbles of discontent were heard against Mr Borden's leadership, but the party as a whole rallied strongly to him, and his position both in the party and in the country grew increasingly firm. Through all the changes the prime minister grew in strength and prestige. Each year that passed gave proofs of his masterful leadership.

At night the six large lofts presented strange war-pictures, over which a single tallow candle wept copious and greasy tears that ran down over the petrified loaf of corn-broad, Borden's condensed-milk can, or bottle in which it was set.

Well, he knew all about Borden, and after he'd told me all about Borden's wife's family, and how one of them had been burnt to death after you with the beer; thanks well, then I said carelessly that it must be very hard to remember anybody whom you had just seen once, so as to identify him afterwards, and he agreed that it would be 'middlin' hard, and then "