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Blowter addressed the startled man. "Go you to the city of Ochori," he said, "and say 'Mimbimi, the high chief who is lord of the forest of Bim-bi, sends word that he has taken the fat white lord to his keeping, and he shall hold him for his pleasure." It would appear from all the correspondence which was subsequently published that Sanders had particularly warned Mr.

England was shocked to its depths by the unusual accident which had occurred to the Right Honourable gentleman, partly because it is unusual for Cabinet Ministers to find themselves in a cannibal's hands, and partly because Mr. Blowter himself occupied a very large place in the eye of the public at home.

Had he been less of a trial Sanders would not have allowed him to go into the interior without a stronger protest. "I shall have to let him go," he said to Hamilton, when the two had met one night after Mr. Blowter had retired to bed, "I spent the whole of this afternoon discussing the comparative values of mosquito nets, and he is such a perfect ass that you cannot snub him.

"One thing I have learnt, Mr. Sanders," he said, "and that is the extraordinary respect in which you are held in this country. I never spoke of you to this infernal rascal but that he bowed low, and all his followers with him; why, they almost worship you!" If Mr. Blowter had been surprised by this experience no less surprised was Sanders to learn of it. "This is news to me," he said dryly.

He acknowledged that he had got into his trouble through no fault of the Commissioner. "I cannot tell you how sorry I am all this has occurred," said Sanders. It was after dinner, and Mr. Blowter in a spotless white suit shaved, looking a little more healthy from his enforced exercise, and certainly considerably thinner, was in the mood to take an amused view of his experience.

"There is one question which I would like to ask you," said Sanders, "and it is one which for some reason I have forgotten to ask before can you describe Mimbimi to me so that I may locate him? He is quite unknown to us." Mr. Blowter frowned thoughtfully. "He is difficult to describe! all natives are alike to me," he said slowly.

Sanders raced across the plank and through the Houssa lines, dragging the messenger by the arm, and Hamilton, with a hastily summoned guard, followed. They found Joseph Blowter tied scientifically to a gum-tree, a wedge of wood in his mouth to prevent him speaking, and he was a terribly unhappy man.

How long he slept cannot be told; he was awakened by a tight hand grasping his throat, and a fierce voice whispering into his ear something which he rightly understood to be an admonition, a warning and a threat. At any rate, he interpreted it as a request on the part of his captor that he should remain silent, and to this Mr. Blowter in a blue funk passively agreed.