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Mon ame est l'arbre ou tous les soirs, comme elles, De blancs essaims de folles visions Tombent des cieux, en palpitant des ailes, Pour s'envoler des les premiers rayons. Finally, the effort to detach poetry from the inner world and make it an expression of outer things, is incompatible with its musical character.

We must descend into the low-lying plains of the future, and contemplate them afar off; and then the glaciers and tempests of these moral Mont Blancs may dissolve into tender showers and crystal rivers, which will fructify and gladden the world. In a few minutes I must leave the bridge of the Ticino.

The confrères, from the fact that they wore hoods of white linen, obtained the name of Chaperons Blancs.

What he wanted was to secure a postponement of Limnander's opera Les Blancs et les Bleus. The action of this work and of Dinorah, as well, took place in Brittany. In the hope of being Meyerbeer's choice, both theatres turned poor Limnander away. Finally, Dinorah fell to the Opéra-Comique.

Tycho is situated in 43@ south latitude, and 12@ east longitude. Its center is occupied by a crater fifty miles broad. It assumes a slightly elliptical form, and is surrounded by an enclosure of annular ramparts, which on the east and west overlook the outer plain from a height of 15,000 feet. It is a group of Mont Blancs, placed round one common center and crowned by radiating beams.

In the same street is Notre Dame des Blancs Manteaux, once the chapel of a religious house, so called from their dress consisting of white garments; there was formerly a monastery here, of which there may be discovered some remains to the east, and evidently in the left wing of a house at No. 25; the chapel remaining has a plain exterior, but the corinthian style of the interior is handsome, and worth attention; there is also a very admired picture of the Burial of St.

So the journey is like sailing through alternate tracts of light irradiate heavens, and interstellar spaces of the clearest and most flawless ether. The air is like the keen air of the highest glaciers. As we go, the bells keep up a drowsy tinkling at the horse's head. The whole landscape is transfigured lifted high up out of commonplaceness. The little hills are Monte Rosas and Mont Blancs.

To his great surprise he could not detach himself from the causeuse. He then understood that he was the sport of a superior power. “Let us see,” he said to Roger. “What will you take to let me go? Do you wish me to prolong your life ten years?” “J’ai de bon tabac dans ma tabatière,” sang the great golfer. “Will you take twenty years?” “Il pleut, il pleut, bergère; Rentre tes blancs moutons.”

Ben-Abid belonged to the Tribu des blancs, and was the singer attached to the café of the smokers of the hashish. He it was who struck each evening a guitar made of goatskin backed by sand tortoise, and lifted up his voice in the song "Lalia": "Ladham Pacha who has left the heart of his enemies trembling O Lalia! O Lalia! The love of women is no more sweet to me after thy love.

They are to be found on the two banks of the Loire, on the confines of the departments of Allier and Saone-et-Loire, where they are still tolerably numerous, especially in the latter department. They are designated in the country as Les Blancs, because that in their ceremonies they cover their heads with a white hood, and their priests are vested like the Druids in a long robe of the same colour.