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Still roared the anti-aircraft guns, the machine guns and the rest of the snipers below; that is, all that were still on the job after the terrifying disaster so deftly accomplished by Blaine. The biplane would not rise to any great degree. But it would travel at a gentle upward trend and as rapidly as ever.

One of the discoveries he will make is that the biplane, if left to itself, shows a tendency to swerve a little to the left the way the propeller is turning; but this inclination may be corrected, easily, by a movement of the rudder.

He smiled and nodded, watchful at the wheel, and swung the biplane a little to southward, in the direction where he judged the bungalow must lie. Weary they both were, yet full of life and strength.

Thus on the Monday, Lefebvre put up a record for rounding the course and Bleriot beat it, to be beaten in turn by Glenn Curtiss on his Curtiss-Herring biplane. On that day, too, Paulhan covered 34 3/4 miles in 1 hour 6 minutes.

Way back, Paul Hendricks used to barnstorm county fairs in a wood-and-fabric biplane, giving thrill rides to sports and their girls at five dollars a couple, because he had been born sixty years too soon. Much later in his spotty career, he had started the store. He had also meant to do general repair work in the backroom shop.

But it still remained to be seen whether he had triumphed over other, and possibly previous, arrivals. Out of the Abaris rushed the young millionaire and his friends before she had ceased rolling over the ground. The other biplane was just behind them. An army officer ran out of the crowd of spectators. "Who is the pilot of this craft?" he asked. "I am," answered Dick.

Orville Wright made several sensational flights in his biplane around Berlin, while his brother Wilbur delighted New Yorkers by circling the Statue of Liberty and flying up the Hudson from Governor's Island to Grant's Tomb and return, a distance of 21 miles, in 33 minutes and 33 seconds during the Hudson-Fulton Celebration.

It is graceful in outline, and from the fact that it closely approaches the form of the natural flyer, seems to be best adapted as a type, compared with the biplane. THE COMMON FLY. So many birds have been cited in support of the various flying theories that the house fly, as an example has been disregarded.

"I understand..." said Lanyard; and would have said more, but couldn't. There was something suspiciously like a mist before his eyes. Avoiding the faces of his sweetheart and the Englishman, he turned aside, put forth a hand blindly to a wing of the biplane to steady himself, and stood with head bowed and limbs trembling.

Vardon, with a tragic gesture, as he made an examination. "There's a leak in the tank. We haven't a drop left. The vibration must have opened a seam and we've been spilling our fuel as we went along." "There goes the other airship!" cried Innis, as the big biplane flashed by them. They had now crossed Oakland and the bay.