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In order to be sure to make no mistake, I again counted out loud: 'Two. I started out on my walk again. At last I found the third door. I said: 'Three, that's my room, and I turned the knob. The door opened. Notwithstanding my befuddled state, I thought: 'Since the door opens, this must be home. After softly closing the door, I stepped out in the darkness.

Playing upon his two great weaknesses, lack of thrift and love of drink, the wandering trader plies the Mongol with whiskey, and then, taking advantage of his befuddled wits, gets him to take a lot of useless things at cut-throat prices but no bother about paying, that can be settled any time.

And if you furnish a greater amount of labor than is expected of you, that is your business and your free choice. And the right you have to a compensation for such extra labor is entirely dependent on the free will of your employer. People usually pay for what they call for; services uncalled for are gratuitous services. To think otherwise betokens a befuddled state of mind.

With an enigmatic smile, P. Sybarite dexterously tipped up his side of the table and, overturning it, caught the gangster unprepared for any such manoeuvre and pinned him squirming in the angle of wall and floor. Immediately the woman came to her feet shrieking; while the little man seized the befuddled boy and swung him toward the door actually before he realised what was happening.

Sure, didn't she sing a song afore the Queen herself," returned Dick. "It is Flora!" cried the other. "My God, it is Flora!" Then gripping Lynch again, "Did you say did you say she she is well?" he whispered. "Sure, I telled ye she bes well," replied the befuddled fisherman. "Well, d'ye say?

Particularly he saw the beauty of Kedzie. There was more of her to see than of those other women behind their screens of silk and lace and linen. His infatuation for Charity Coe had befuddled him, wrapped him in a fog through which all other women passed like swaddled figures. He felt free now.

"Brenton, don't make an ass of yourself," he besought his friend. "You have befuddled your brain with such big words as truth and proof; but don't go on your nerves about it. You are doing any amount of good, from all accounts, here in the town.

He used French words that were retained in English without being Anglicized to give puissance to what he thought of condescendingly as his befuddled mother tongue. In that respect he was no different than any supercilious upper class American or Englishmen who required superior utterance even though to most of the contemporary world's populace the elite language was base English itself.

He had learned the law. And on the porch, before the delighted family, Judge Scott, face to face with White Fang, said slowly and solemnly, sixteen times, "White Fang, you are smarter than I thought." But it was the multiplicity of laws that befuddled White Fang and often brought him into disgrace. He had to learn that he must not touch the chickens that belonged to other gods.

"'This key will not unlock the door, she said, and I joined her. "Trying the key, I found that it did not fit in fact, that it was a key shaped differently from all other door-keys in that building; and I knew that the befuddled Bunker had made a mistake. "'He gave you the right key for the street-door, the widow whimpered; 'why did he give the wrong one for this door? "'Drunk, I growled.