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Brook came in again before he had been away an hour, and leaned anxiously over the patient. He lay with his eyes half-closed, and breathed with difficulty. "I think," he exclaimed softly, "there's the slightest shade of improvement." "In the fever, or the throat?" whispered Lady Hartledon, who had not quitted the boy's bedside. "In the throat. If so, it is due to your remedy, Lady Hartledon."

But do we not all of us accept that phrase as an ill-omen a vulture in the desert? No no! Look the facts in the face! Glare at them! Returning to the bedside, where Granny Marrable was sitting in her arm-chair beside her sister, who was quiet possibly sleeping she took the opportunity to note the changes that Time had wrought in each twin.

He felt that his sister's proper place would have been at the bedside of the man who, whatever his sins against her, was still her husband, and was when the accident had happened, for anything she knew to the contrary, crushed and dying, and about to be speedily separated from her for ever in this world. But she had not so seen her duty; she had shrunk from the pain, the sacrifice.

At daybreak Renzo was awakened by a shake and a voice calling, "Lorenzo Tramaglino." "Eh, what does this mean? What do you want? Who told you my name?" said Renzo, starting up, amazed to find three men, two of them fully armed, standing at his bedside. "You must come with us. The high sheriff wants to have some words with you."

Notwithstanding the danger, it was impossible to tear you from your mother's bedside; you remained with her to the last, you closed her eyes, you watched there all night, and you would not leave the village till you had seen me plant the little wooden cross over the grave I had dug for her." Dagobert paused abruptly.

He thought that the shade of Queen Annabella stood by his bedside, and demanded the youth whom she had placed under his charge, simple, virtuous, gay, and innocent. "Thou hast rendered him reckless, dissolute, and vicious," said the shade of pallid Majesty. "Yet I thank thee, John of Ramorny, ungrateful to me, false to thy word, and treacherous to my hopes.

She had often thought I cared for her, mentioned the day when I found her at my mother's bedside, also the day of the funeral; but so well had I controlled my feelings that she was never sure until that night. "I trust you will not think me unmaidenly, Henry," said she, looking timidly up in my face. "You won't think worse of me, will you, for for almost offering myself to you?"

About two hours before his death, he spoke to the friend at his bedside these remarkable words, solemn as eternity, and beautiful as the love which fills it:

She got out her husband's great clasp-knife from the open tool-box, took the lamp, and crept back to the man's bedside. She should be able to kill him certainly she should be able to kill him; and then she should have the pistol for the other one. But he still slept heavily. When she saw him again, again her suspicions fell from her. She knew he was asleep.

The impassible minister had had his chair placed by that of the King, as a physician would seat himself by the bedside of his patient, and fixed his sparkling and scrutinizing eyes upon the pale countenance of Louis. As soon as his victim could hear him, he renewed his fearful discourse in a hollow voice: "You have recalled me. What would you with me?"