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The old gardener looked at her more in sorrow than in anger, and shook his head dejectedly as he went back to his work. He had the gravest doubts about the sanity of a young lady who objected to "bedding-out;" but if Peggy gained no approval from him for her new-fangled notions, she reaped her reward in Rob's unaffected delight, when the conversation was detailed for his benefit.

People must think that he was simply going out with Mary and Dickon because he liked them and did not object to their looking at him. They had long and quite delightful talks about their route. They would go up this path and down that one and cross the other and go round among the fountain flower-beds as if they were looking at the "bedding-out plants" the head gardener, Mr.

When the seed of the rice is about to be sown in the nursery or bedding-out ground, where under the wet system of cultivation it is regularly allowed to sprout before being transplanted to the fields, the best grains are picked out to form the Rice-mother. These are then sown in the middle of the bed, and the common seed is planted round about them.

And while the buds are opening on our shrubs I will not venture to speak of the bedding-out plants have they also blossomed in the bosom of the wife? Does Louis continue his policy of madrigals? Do you enter into each other's thoughts? I wonder whether your little runlet of wedding peace is better than the raging torrent of my love! Has my sweet lady professor taken offence?

The occupants of the first house on the list were not at home, so a sheaf of cards were left, and the carriage sped on another mile to Number 2, where the family were discovered superintending the arrangements of bedding-out plants round the front lawn.

On account of the servant difficulty, again, this garden would probably be less laboriously neat than many of our gardens to-day no "bedding-out," for example, and a certain parsimony of mown lawn.... To such a type of home it seems the active, scientifically trained people will tend.

Here there was heard a still louder bark, and from a quite different part of the garden. "There he is I'm sure of it! jumping over my bedding-out plants, and breaking my cucumber frames. Abominable beast! just let me catch him!" Off Gardener darted in a violent passion, throwing the ladder down upon the grass, and forgetting all about the cherries and the children.

Travelling in Brazil is like passing through a vast hothouse, filled with gorgeous tropical vegetation and forms of insect life. In the neighbourhood of Monte Video you might imagine yourself in a perpetual greenhouse. Here it is like being in a vast garden, in which the greenest of turf, the brightest of bedding-out plants, and the most fragrant flowering shrubs abound.

"All is fine that is fit." And is the "bedding-out" system Ribbon-gardening ever fit, and therefore ever fine? My little friend, I am inclined to think that it sometimes is. For long straight borders in parks and public promenades, for some terrace garden on a large scale, viewed perhaps from windows at a considerable distance, and, in a general way, for pleasure-grounds ordered by professional skill, and not by an amateur gardener (which, mark you, being interpreted, is gardener for love!), the bedding-out style is good for general effect, and I think it is capable of prettier ingenuities than one often sees employed in its use. I think that, if I ever gardened in this expensive and mechanical style, I should make "arrangements,"

Gardener thought it was the eldest boy who spoke, and turned round angrily; but the little fellow had never opened his lips. Here there was heard a still louder bark, and from a quite different part of the garden. "There he is I'm sure of it! jumping over my bedding-out plants, and breaking my cucumber frames. Abominable beast! just let me catch him!"