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I I came between you." Baring's hand fell, but neither his face nor his tone varied as he made steady reply. "I guessed it might be that afterwards. I was on my way to tell her so when the dam went." "That isn't all," Ronnie went on feverishly. "I'm worse than that, worse even than she knew. I engaged to ride Hyde's horse to to discharge a debt I owed him. I told her it was a debt of honour.

In the case of Spain, which is close to us, we can recognize the resurrection of a Christian and cultured nation after its age of bondage. But Russia is rather remote; and those to whom nations are but names in newspapers can really fancy, like Mr. Baring's friend, that all Russian churches are "mosques."

It is late in the day when the professor enters Lady Baring's house. He had determined not to wait till the morrow to see Perpetua. It seemed to him that it would be impossible to go through another sleepless night, with this raging doubt, this cruel uncertainty in his heart. He finds her in the library, the soft light of the dying evening falling on her little slender figure.

Run away now. I can do nothing for you, so it is no use staying, but if ever you need help, the ordinary, commonplace sort of help, I mean, write to me to Baring's, either in London or Paris. I'll do what I can." Virginia went out again into the street and drove back home. Mechanically she changed her clothes and dressed for dinner. At eight o'clock she descended, shivering.

Besides, you forget Sir Hastings is Lady Baring's brother too, and you haven't anything to say against her, have you? Ah!" with a sudden lovely smile, "you, Sir Hastings?" "You are not dancing," says the tall, gaunt man, who has now come up to her. "So much I have seen. Too warm? Eh? You show reason, I think. And yet, if I might dare to hope that you would give me this waltz "

The only possible conclusion is that, in Sir Evelyn Baring's opinion, General Gordon was not "an English officer of high authority." As if to make his views more emphatic, Sir Evelyn Baring on 15th January again telegraphed for an English officer with the intentional and conspicuous omission of Gordon's name, which had been three times urged upon him by his own Government.

Yet there was nothing unreasonable in the mere fact that a certain Chilean named Ventana, who had business relations with Mr. Baring, should make the acquaintance of Isobel Baring's friend. As quickly as it had arisen, the feeling of strangeness passed. Courtenay even laughed. Elsie as the Jonah of the ship was a quaint conceit.

His talk reminded me somehow of Maurice Baring's books; it had just the same quick, positive understanding. And he had just the same detachment from the war as the French generals. He spoke of it as one might speak of an inundation. And of its difficulties and perplexities.

"If they are living, they are far enough away by this time. When their boat was lowered it was cast off prematurely " "Purposely?" "Well yes. Courtenay had just placed Miss Baring's maid on board when some of the crew let go the ropes. What could we do? We were forced to depend on them." "Is there no other boat?" Christobal threw out his hands in his characteristic gesture.

Hyde's attitude of insolent power was explained to her, and she would have given all she had at that moment to have been free to seek Baring's advice. "I'll try, dear," she said. "But I think the less I see of him the better it will be. Are you quite sure of winning the Cup?" "Oh, quite," said Ronnie, with confidence. "Quite. Do you remember the races we used to have when we were kids?