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Lablache gasped out the words which seemed literally to be wrung from him. "Choose!" The inexorable tone sent a shudder over the distraught man. Even in the starlight the expression of the villain's face was hideous to behold. Baptiste's voice again rang out on the still night air. "Move him!" A pistol was pushed behind his ear. "Do y' hear?" "Mercy mercy!" cried the distraught man.

At this moment Hugh stumbled over a canoe- paddle, and fell headlong into Baptiste's arms, as he was in the very act of making one of his violent descents. This unlooked-for occurrence brought them both to a sudden pause, partly from necessity and partly from surprise. Out of this state Baptiste recovered first, and taking advantage of the accident, threw Mathison heavily to the ground.

The next morning the parasol was returned at the street door, with "Jean Baptiste's compliments to the young ladies." So much for French Canadian gallantry. It is a pretty sight.

"Yes, Prince; that is a way of this land." Nana Sahib drew forth a gold cigarette case, lighted a cigarette from a fireball that stood in a brass cup, and gazed quizzically at the Dewan. There was a little hush. This story had set Jean Baptiste's nerves tingling; there was something behind it.

Jean Baptiste's day his proud will had failed him; intellectual force, native power of mind, had broken like reeds under the weight of a cruel temptation. But now a new force had entered into him.

Frank held him in profound respect, and would have endured almost anything rather than seem unmanly or unheedful in his eyes. To win a word of commendation from those firm-set lips that said so little was the desire of his heart, and, feeling sure that it would come time enough, he stuck to his work bravely, quite winning good-natured Baptiste's heart by his prompt obedience to orders.

The crowning interest of her life had come all at the last moment, as it were, and she had gone away almost gladly and with a kind of pride. Rosalie also had a hidden pride: the secret was now her very own hers and M'sieu's. It was St. Jean Baptiste's day, and French Canada was en fete.

Jean Baptiste's day his proud will had failed him; intellectual force, native power of mind, had broken like reeds under the weight of a cruel temptation. But now a new force had entered into him.

A flint lancet was produced, Baptiste's arm was bared, and the blood which flowed from the slight wound was carefully distributed, and scattered over the robes of the delighted Arapahoes. The scene which followed was quite unexpected to Baptiste, who was only glad to escape the death to which the majority had doomed him.

"Lord" Bill fixed his gray eyes on the Breed. "Scatter we've had enough." "Eh? Guess yer per-tickler." There was a truculent tone in Baptiste's voice. Bill's revolver was out like lightning. "Scatter!" And in that word Baptiste realized his dismissal. His face looked very ugly, but he moved off under the covering muzzle of the white man's pistol. Bill watched him until he was out of sight.