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And he preached, saying, One mightier than I is coming after me, the string of whose shoes I am not worthy, stooping down, to unloose. I indeed baptise you with water; but he shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost. And it came to pass in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptised of John in Jordan.

Jehannot, who had anticipated a diametrically opposite conclusion, as soon as he heard him so speak, was the best pleased man that ever was in the world. So taking Abraham with him to Notre Dame he prayed the clergy there to baptise him.

But he was that sanctified and stubborn Better to suffer stripes for the testimony of Christ, he says, 'than to fall by the sin of denial! Then they drug him to the bank, one on each side, and says, 'We baptise you in the holy name of Brockman, and in they dumped him backwards, mind you! I saw then they was in a slippery place where it was deep and the current awful strong.

This, our present system, purports to be the rule of efficiency chosen by the arbitrary form of selection which has been described. Just as the bishop in the story, addressing a haunch of venison, exclaimed: "I baptise thee carp," so the people says to its representatives: "I baptise you masters of law, I baptise you statesmen, I baptise you social reformers."

I thank God that I baptised none of you, except Crispus and Gaius; that no man might say, I baptised into my own name. And I also baptised the household of Stephanus: besides these, I know not if I baptised any other person. For Christ sent me not to baptise, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of discourse, lest the cross of Christ should be slighted.

The cups appeared at that moment inclined to "'ave" a little game of hide-and-seek, which the stewardess nimbly prevented by suddenly forming an obtuse angle with the floor, and following that action up with a plunge to starboard, and a heel to port, that was suggestive at least to a landsman of an intention to baptise Miss Pritty with hot tea, and thereafter take a "header" through the cabin window into the boiling sea!

In the course of playful conversation Jessie had once told me that she belonged to no recognised form of religion, her father Having teen a member of a certain sect which did not baptise either according to the Protestant or the Roman Catholic ritual; whereupon I had comforted her by assuring her that I had come in contact with much more questionable sects, as shortly after my marriage in Konigsberg I had learned that it had been solemnised by a hypocrite.

And the night that the priest left her he saw the white thing standing in front of him; and if he hadn't been a priest he would have dropped down dead. But he knew well enough that it was the unbaptised child, and he took some water from the bog-hole and dashed it over it, saying, "I baptise thee in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."

Our position in Java, and the consequent discussion of us in the Dutch Parliament, led to our first public recognition in the world as a Christian force. Because we do not baptise with water there has been in Java a disposition amongst some Christian teachers to refuse to any of our people burial in a Christian cemetery.

Hadad their king crossed the Red Sea and conquered his enemies; he put to death Damianus, the King of the Homeritse, and made a new treaty with the Emperor of Constantinople. The Hexumitæ promised to become Christians. They sent to Alexandria to beg for a priest to baptise them, and to ordain their preachers; and Justinian sent John, a man of piety and high character, the dean of the church of St.