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Updated: December 2, 2024

Any person must feel gratified at being present when he gives his evening lessons to his pupils, as amongst other exercises he practises them in what is called the jeu de bague, which consists of rings loosely suspended from a post, whilst the rider carries a lance, and in passing by at full gallop endeavours to run it through the ring, which is about two inches in diameter, and is hung in such a manner that it yields to the lance and remains upon it whilst the rider, without stopping, proceeds at full speed and takes off the next.

He just said he hoped she would wear it for his sake; and when she exclaimed, "Mais, monsieur! ce n'est pas sur ce doigt que vous devez mettre la bague!" he hardly waited to apologise or put it right before he dragged her back to the salon and deposited her with the anxious mothers! Mme. de Vermandoise said she and the Comte nearly had a fit to keep themselves from laughing out loud.

The letter addressed to Madame de Verneuil bears the same date, and runs thus: "Mademoiselle, lamour, Ihonneur et les bienfaits que vous avez reçus de moi, eussent arrêté la plus legere ame du monde si elle n'eut point été accompagnée d'un mauvais naturel comme le vostre. Je ne vous picqueray davantage bien que je le peusse et dusse fair, vous le savez: je vous prie de me renvoyer la promesse que savez et ne me donnez point la peine de la revoir par autre voye: renvoyez moi aussi la bague que je vous rendis l'autre jour: voil

Wedgwood's derivation of this word from bague an improvement on that of Ducange from baga, area. Coarse Mr. Wedgwood considers identical with course, that is, of course, ordinary. He finds a confirmation of this in the old spelling. Old spelling is seldom a safe guide, though we wonder that the archaic form boorly did not seem to him a sufficient authority for the common derivation of burly.

Him the queen made her secretary, and in her will of 1566 mentions him thus: "A Josef, pour porter a celui qui je luy ay dit, une emeraude emaille de blanc. "A Josef, pour porter a celui qui je luy ai dit, dont il ranvoir quittance. "Une bague garnye de vingt cinq diamens tant grands que petis."

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