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'For though among ourselves, Joe Bagstock mingles jest and earnest on this subject, Sir, said the Major, laying his finger on his lips, and speaking half apart to Carker, 'he holds that name too sacred to be made the property of these fellows, or of any fellows. Not a word!, Sir' while they are here! This was respectful and becoming on the Major's part, and Mr Dombey plainly felt it so.

There is an allusion to Edith to my extremely dear child, said Mrs Skewton, tracing the outline of her eyebrows with her forefinger, 'in your words, to which the tenderest of chords vibrates excessively. 'Bluntness, Ma'am, returned the Major, 'has ever been the characteristic of the Bagstock breed. You are right. Joe admits it.

If that had been Joe's character, Joe might have been, by this time, Lieutenant-General Sir Joseph Bagstock, K.C.B., and might have received you in very different quarters. You don't know old Joe yet, I find. But this occasion, being special, is a source of pride to me. By the Lord, Sir, said the Major resolutely, 'it's an honour to me!

I'd just thought out a real snappy come-back too, and was dictatin' it to a stenographer, when Old Hickory happens to drift by with his ear out. He stops short. "Hold on," says he. "What Mrs. Bagstock is that?" "Why, the peevish one, I expect, sir," says I. "Let's see that letter," says he. I passes it over. "Huh!" he goes on, rubbin' his chin reminiscent.

I tell you what, Dombey, it may not be ornamental; it may not be refined; it may be rough and tough; but a little of the genuine old English Bagstock stamina, Sir, would do all the good in the world to the human breed.

'There is one man in the world who never will admit that anyone resembles you, Ma'am, said the Major; 'and that man's name is Old Joe Bagstock. Cleopatra made as if she would brain the flatterer with her fan, but relenting, smiled upon him and proceeded: 'If my charming girl inherits any advantages from me, wicked one!: the Major was the wicked one: 'she inherits also my foolish nature.

'Why, what the devil have we here, Sir! cried the Major, stopping as this little cavalcade drew near. 'My dearest Edith! drawled the lady in the chair, 'Major Bagstock! The Major no sooner heard the voice, than he relinquished Mr Dombey's arm, darted forward, took the hand of the lady in the chair and pressed it to his lips.

'Our friend is sly, Sir, sly, Sir, de-vilish sly, said the Major, staring round the door at Carker. 'So is Bagstock. But stopping in the midst of a chuckle, and drawing himself up to his full height, the Major solemnly exclaimed, as he struck himself on the chest, 'Dombey! I envy your feelings. God bless you! and withdrew.

'To beat up these quarters, Ma'am, suggested Major Bagstock. 'Coarse person! 'said Mrs Skewton, 'you anticipate my meaning, though in odious language. Here Mrs Skewton rested her elbow on the little table at her side, and suffering her wrist to droop in what she considered a graceful and becoming manner, dangled her fan to and fro, and lazily admired her hand while speaking.

That same evening the Major was diffuse at his club, on the subject of his friend Dombey in the City. 'Damme, Sir, said the Major, 'he's a prince, is my friend Dombey in the City. I tell you what, Sir. If you had a few more men among you like old Joe Bagstock and my friend Dombey in the City, Sir, you'd do! Paul's Introduction to a New Scene