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Albert Babeau, II, pp. 83 and 84. "It is now a fortnight since you demanded a Constitution. Very well, here it is.... Respect for persons and property is amply secured in it. Yes, more definitely than in any other constitution. Does it provide for its own revision? Yes, for in six weeks, we can convoke the primary assemblies and express our desire for the reform that may appear necessary.

In 1761 the signs in the principal streets were reduced to a projection of three feet. Later, they were ordered to be set flat against the walls. Babeau, Paris, 42; but see Mercier. Names were first put on the street corners in 1728. Babeau, Paris, 43.

Yet even, there, some improvement had taken place. And while Howard considered that hospital a disgrace to Paris, he found many other charitable foundations in the city which did it honor. Howard, State of the Prisons, 176, 177. Babeau, La Ville, 435. Cognel, 88.

Speech by Rousselin, Frimaire 9 Ibid., F.7, 4421. Speech and orders issued by Rousselin, Brumaire 25. Cf.. Albert Babeau, "Histoire de Troyes pendant la Revolution," vol. Prairial 8, year II. Similar orders issued by Albitte and Laporte, for renewing all the authorities of Grenoble. Ibid, AF., II., 135. Similar order of Ricord at Grasse, Pluviose 28, and throughout the Var. Ibid., AF., II., 36.

See the classical collection of French laws, by Dalloz, Repertoire de Jurisprudence; also the works of Doniol, Dareste, Bonnemere, Babeau, and many others. Dr. Fr. Seebohm, The English Village Community, 3rd ed., 1884, pp. 13-15. Porter's list contained 3867 such Acts, of which the greatest numbers fall upon the decades of 1770-1780 and 1800-1820, as in France.

The collectors assessed their neighbors at their own discretion, and were personally responsible to the government for the whole amount assessed on the parish. Turgot, vii. 125. Sometimes 5 per cent. They were ignorant peasants, unused to accounts, sometimes unable to read. Horn, 224 Babeau, Le Village, 222, 224. Turgot, vii. 122, iv. 51. The liability to the taille was joint.

A. Babeau, La ville sous l'ancien regime, Paris, 1880. Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koln, i. 491, 492, also texts. Likeness and diversity among the medieval cities. The craftguilds: State-attributes in each of them. Attitude of the city towards the peasants; attempts to free them. The lords. Results achieved by the medieval city: in arts, in learning. Causes of decay.

This letter is very interesting, as showing the importance of the cures and their possible dealings with the intendant. Mathieu, 152. Babeau, La vie rurale, 157. The privileges and immunities which the Church of France enjoyed had given to her clergy a tone of independence both to the Pope and to the king. We have seen them accompanying their "free gifts" to the latter by requests and conditions.

One may venture to say, indeed, without danger of exaggeration that his testimonials as regards habitual accuracy of statement have seldom been exceeded. Despite the doctor's unflattering portraits of Frenchmen, M. Babeau admits that his book is one written by an observer of facts, and a man whose statements, whenever they can be tested, are for the most part "singularly exact." Mr.

For the student familiar with French, an excellent book is Albert Babeau, Le Village sous l'ancien Régime, Paris, 1879; see also Tocqueville, L'ancien Régime et la Révolution, 7th ed., Paris, 1866.