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"Gr-r-r-r, ps-s-s-s, ba-a-a-a, cock-a-doodle-do-o-o." So incongruous did the peculiar sounds appear, that all stared in amazement. Then when they beheld Frontier Samson standing near the door, their faces broadened into knowing grins, followed by hearty outbursts of laughter. The prospector walked at once over to where Curly was standing, and laid his big right hand upon his shoulder.

"No, the goat is mine," said she, and threw her arms about it, then loosening one of her garters she fastened it around its neck. Oyvind watched her. She rose to her feet and began to tug at the goat; it would not go along with her, and stretched its neck over the edge of the cliff toward Oyvind. "Ba-a-a-a!" said the goat.

There is no fussing among the French, but a deadly efficiency in all things. Bah! Ba! Ba! Ba-a-a! Moo! Mo! Moo! M-o-o-o! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ba-a-a-a! I was taking a stroll along the railway platform of a station in Northern France where the engine stopped to coal and water when this chorus of barnyard calls burst from the men packed in the box cars, reminding me of a cattle train.

Just then one nanny looked over a fence and said "Ba-a-a-a!" in a very loud tone, and Jennie almost jumped into the middle of the street. "Come out! Come on!" she cried, urging her friend onward. "Goats are always butting in." A derisive chorus of "ba's" followed them as they hurried along the street. "There's 307!" cried Nancy, pointing.

"Ba-a-a-a!" answered the goat, from the brow of the hill, putting its head on one side and peering down. At the side of the goat there was kneeling a little girl. "Is this goat yours?" asked she. Oyvind opened wide his mouth and eyes, thrust both hands into his pants and said, "Who are you?"

The novelty of these coats occupied us for a while, and if a sergeant or a comrade addressed us we answered in "goat talk": "Ba-a-a, ba-a-a-a...." It was apparent that the secrecy of troop transportation which held in England held also in France. The populace could not have known of our coming, for there was no scene, nor was there a reception. We were to meet with that later on.

As he sat down, his eyes rested with withering scorn upon Alec Forbes, who instantly started to his feet amidst a confusion of plaudits and hisses, but, finding it absolutely impossible to speak so as to be heard, contented himself with uttering a sonorous ba-a-a-a, and instant dropped into his seat, all the other outcries dissolving in shouts of laughter.

There the Lord was sitting, with a long beard, as in the Catechism, and the goat stood munching at the leaves of a shining tree; but Oyvind sat alone on the roof, and, could get no higher. Then something wet was thrust right against his ear, and he started up. "Ba-a-a-a!" he heard, and it was the goat that had returned to him. "What! have you come back again?"