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All eyes were of course intently fixed upon the strange object; and they had neared it to within about one hundred feet, when Lieutenant Mildmay exclaimed in a low, awe-struck voice: "Just as I suspected! It is the Daedalus!" "Yes," replied the professor very quietly; "it is that most unfortunate ship.

Yes, sir that's what I said she's a-settin' here, sir on the sofa with the furriner yes, sir!" He put his head around the velvet curtain. "Will you speak to your father, Miss?" His awe-struck hand held the receiver and he helped the strange, little figure to its seat in front of the 'phone. She put the tube to her lips. "Hallo, Daddy. Yes, it's Betty.... Mr.

"Don't you think," said Esther, in an awe-struck whisper, "that it is very strange that these priests should arrive here all the way from India just at the present moment? Have you not gathered from all you have heard that the general's fears are in some way connected with India and the Indians?" The remark made me thoughtful.

Then, long before his march was done, while awe-struck men and weeping women still listened to the strident clamour of his arms, the spinners of the webs were at work again, patiently joining broken threads, flinging fresh filaments across unbridged gulfs, refastening to their points of attachment the gossamer which seemed so frail, which yet the storm of violence failed to destroy utterly.

But though his whole life was now become one watch on deck; and though the Parsee's mystic watch was without intermission as his own; yet these two never seemed to speak one man to the other unless at long intervals some passing unmomentous matter made it necessary. Though such a potent spell seemed secretly to join the twain; openly, and to the awe-struck crew, they seemed pole-like asunder.

Her countenance, her words, her whole manner, betrayed her condition; and with swift presentiment he connected it with the women he had just passed: he felt her presence there at that time was in some way associated with them, and turned hastily as they arose to their feet. His heart stood still, he became rooted in his tracks dumb past outcry awe-struck.

'Hush! don't let nurse know; he saw a pair of legs through a little hole at the back of the organ, and he's gone to see if it is a robber hiding. 'Will he fight him if it is? said Betty, with an awe-struck look; then an expression of relief crossing her face, she said, 'I know; it's a boy that goes in at the back whenever a person plays.

"I am come to thee with a message from heaven." He glanced upward to the great sky that was the colour of turquoise, cloudless, serene. "It is a strange errand." There was a touch of reproof in her voice, and yet also the vibration of awe-struck inquiry. Her mind rushed at once to the memory of Joseph Smith's prophecy. "Come, friend," said the young Quaker very gently. "I can't possibly go."

The lady's brow flushed. The maid said, in an awe-struck whisper: "Altezza, the man is here." The lady bade her admit him, and snatched up a little black mask and put it on; and in a moment her colour was gone, and the contrast between her black mask and her marble cheeks was strange and fearful. A man entered bowing and scraping.

He was frantic to rush upstairs to the fireplace in his room; but he had to seem deliberate. "And what next?" he inquired. "Well, nothing. It'll be best for you to sit in your bedroom for a bit. That's the only place where there's a fire and it's rather chilly at this time of night." "A fire?" he repeated, incredulous and yet awe-struck. "I knew you wouldn't mind," said she.