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Ato was sure that The Nebula could plunge through any curtain, but he wanted to try that as a last resort. Meanwhile, a steady stream of tractors and men was going back and forth from the Old Ship to the city. Odin watched them on the screen. They were mostly the white-skinned people of Aldebaran. The Brons who had gone out into space with Grim Hagen had dwindled away.

She held up a little round satchel. It was exactly like the cases that people used in his country for carrying bowling balls. Odin was puzzled. And he assured himself that he would never understand women. Why would the girl be carrying a bowling ball with her into outer space? Odin joined Wolden, Ato, and Gunnar in the "engine" of the bumpy little train.

His voice was shaking just a bit when he called into the speaker: "Battle stations, everyone!" Gunnar took off for the needle-nosed instrument which he had grown to hate. Odin stood by to help with the screens. "Watch forward now!" Ato warned. "Sight at thirty degrees above the equator of The Nebula. Adjust for Doppler X over Y. We have him on the screens now.

As the barrier went down, Jack Odin and Maya urged their men to climb upon the balcony. Odin was the last to retreat. A soldier caught at him as he scrambled upward and Odin turned and slashed him across the face. Ato was calling his men around him. They drew back to a corner where two thick walls met. Ato had placed one bench there.

Aside from these two pueblo officers the government and control of the pueblo is purely aboriginal. Each ato, of which, as has been noted, there are seventeen, has its group of old men called "in-tug-tu'-kan." This in-tug-tu'-kan is not an organization, except that it is intended to be perpetual, and, in a measure, self-perpetuating.

I had to beat her the other day. My boots were not polished very well " "Talk on, Grim Hagen," Odin growled. "I am here. And I intend to kill you Just as I promised." "Like most of your race, you talk too loud, Odin. Well, Ato, Gunnar, and Odin, I am going now. Please don't get in my way or I will hatchet the flesh from your bones." Another click and the loudspeaker was silent.

I offer you a week's truce in return for a few meetings. This world has seen enough destruction " Gunnar and his crew leveled their death-gun at the advancing party. Odin kept them on the screen. Ato and a few of his captains got ready to disembark. As Odin watched, he kept puzzling over that voice. It certainly was Grim Hagen's. But it was different.

A fish feast follows for the evening meal. The next day the mang-ay'-yu ceremony occurs. At that time the men of the ato, go near the place where their companion lost his head and ask the beheaded man's spirit, the pinteng, to return to their pueblo. Pl. CXXXVI shows the burial of a beheaded corpse in Banawi in April, 1903.

Ato looked like a man who could calmly send a hundred-thousand to their deaths for one objective, while Wolden would have theorized and rationalized until the objective was lost. The old comparison between the impulsive executive and the liberal arts man who has learned that there are only one or two positive decisions available in all the world of thinking.

"It may work." Ato took the tape from her hands and set the controls accordingly. The lights dimmed again came on and remained steady. The expanses of dim yellow light through which coils and ellipses of darkness crawled like black worms. Odin knew that such a feeling was impossible out here, but it seemed to him that The Nebula leaped forward. Ato cried out in triumph.