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At the same time, he sent out a reverberating blast from the whistle, which the Atlamalcans might accept as a parting salute. The yacht steamed carefully down the river, and in the early hours of the morning passed Zalapata, where a few lights twinkled, and then proceeded toward the more pretentious town of San Luis.

It was on the tongue of Miss Starland to declare that she would prefer a hundred times that eventuality to remaining in charge of the Atlamalcans, but instead, her companion said what was in the minds of both: "The order of General Yozarro may apply to me, but cannot apply to my friend who owes no allegiance to Atlamalco or Zalapata.

If ever there was call for hurry and the display of the wisdom of the serpent it was now. When therefore the three drew near the plateau on which the Castle stood, the Major said: "You and I, Captain, will wait here while Martella goes forward and learns how the land lies." "If the Señoritas are restrained of their liberty by only five or six Atlamalcans, why should we hesitate?"

"Admitting that President Yozarro refuses to comply with the decision of The Hague Tribunal, you will not only be free to carry out your original intention, but you will be justified before the world." "No more than I shall be justified now, for many of the Atlamalcans themselves condemn the course of their President." "Why not make one more appeal to him?" "How shall I shape my message?

This caused the muzzle of the cannon to wabble, sometimes being directed straight at the sailboat, and sometimes to one side of it. But the gun was so easily shifted that the American could readily perfect the aim whenever he chose, and that would be done the instant the enemy tried to run in upon him. There was a fighting chance for the Atlamalcans.

But that was not done, nor was there anything in the words or manner of the Atlamalcans to show that he held a suspicion of the real situation. "Martella must have thought of all this, yet he did not show it by word or act." Walking briskly, they soon passed up a slight incline, descended another and arrived within a short distance of the Rio Rubio.

"General Yozarro has not a braver or more honorable officer in his army. Three years ago, when we were at war with Atlamalco, and neither republic owned a fleet, we had a fight with three hundred Atlamalcans in the mountains. Each force was about the same and it was one of the hottest fights I ever saw, for the respective forces were commanded by Generals Bambos and Yozarro."

When night closed in, the relative position of the two craft was unchanged. Every possible preparation was made on the yacht, for there could be no doubt of the hostile intentions of the Atlamalcans. A small boat was seen to leave its side and pass to the southern shore.

"I will not allow murder to be done; a brave man would not ask it." The native loosened his straining grip upon the weapon, and all silently peered from the gloom at the procession filing past. None of the spectators spoke, but each caught the sounds of fitful conversation among the Atlamalcans.